
大会背景Event Background当前中国创新药物研发呈现蓬勃生长的态势,我国新药研发与全球差距正逐步缩小,但随着入局玩家的增多,竞争亦愈发激烈。目前国内市场资本不再充足,靶点已经爆满,医保乐见竞争。与此同时,国际市场药物研发不断进展、监管审批要求不断变化,对于国内药企的创新药研发能力、临床试验设计能力、国内外临床试验推进能力、以及与监管的沟通能力全方位提出了更高要求。在竞争加剧的当下,回归创新本源、推动以临床价值为导向的差异化创新已成为我国医药行业发展的主旋律。At present, China's innovative drug research and development is showing a vigorous growth trend, and the gap between China's new drug R&D and the world is gradually narrowing, but with more players entering the market,competition is becoming more intense. Currently, the domestic market is no longer well capitalized, targets are full, and more competition under pressure to enter health insurance. At the same time, the continuous progress of drug development and changing regulatory approval requirements in the international market have put forward higher requirements for domestic pharmaceutical companies' innovative drug development capabilities, clinical trial design capabilities, domestic and international clinical trial promotion capabilities, and communication capabilities with regulatory authorities. In the current situation of intensified competition, returning to the origin of innovation and promoting differentiated innovation oriented to clinical value has become the main theme of China's pharmaceutical industry development.多头部企业重磅嘉宾云集APRL 2023(第十二届)亚洲医药研发领袖峰会将邀请到多家包括国内外头部企业的90+医药研发领袖,1000+行业同仁参与,深度探索差异化研发策略,致力于提升临床开发效率,推动创新药物研发国际化,以患者为中心,回归创新本源,让创新真正赋能临床!(下滑查看历届参与企业代表)多形式的参与方式本次大会将展览60+个标准展位,将吸引汇聚医药合作领域最专业的服务与解决方案;首日设置“十二年”社交晚宴派对,盛邀国内外创新药企专家精英齐聚,在觥筹交错之间洽谈合作项目,分享研发心得,在面对面社交之中挑选合作伙伴。我们还搭建了一对一在线约见系统,将为您提供最高效的平台发现并现场约见目标客户。另外还有演讲、圆桌和多种赞助形式参与。席位有限,报名从速哦!多个专场与主题深度分享大会“以患者为中心,创新赋能临床”为主题,设置了7大专场,近40个主题演讲、10个圆桌论坛、及多场技术交流活动,围绕研发策略、临床开发、创新药物研发国际化、商业化及成功案例等热点话题展开深度分享,共享高质量的行业新发现和新成果。【参会火热进行中,扫码立即报名咨询】Aili LiT:(86 21) 6095 7201M:138 4991 9680(微信同号)E:aili.li@shine-consultant.com扫码提交信息后我们会在两个工作日内与您联系,或通过电话直接联系我们论坛基本形式Basic Format For Summit部分确认发言嘉宾Confirmed Session Speakers 王兴利 执行总裁,创新药事业部联席CEO,全球研发中心负责人复星医药王兴利先生,现任复星医药执行总裁、创新药事业部联席CEO、全球研发中心负责人。加入复星医药前,王兴利先生于1992年10月至1994年10月于The University of New South Wales(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,以下简称“新南威尔士大学”)进行心血管内科专业博士后研究;于1995年7月至1999年12月在Prince of Wales Hospital(悉尼威尔士亲王医院)进行临床住院医师轮训;于1999年10月至2007年12月期间历任新南威尔士大学心血管医学高级讲师、Baylor College of Medicine(美国贝勒医学院)心胸外科研究主任并获终身教授职称;于2008年1月至2010年10月任Schering-Plough Corporation项目医学总监;于2010年10月至2022年5月期间于Novartis AG任职,主要历任项目科长、全球项目临床负责人、诺华全球药物研发(中国)负责人及生物医学研究院(中国)总经理等职。Mr.XINGLI WANG, is currently the Executive President of the company、Co-CEO of Innovative Medicines Division、CEO of Global R&D Center. Before joining the Group, XINGLI WANG did postdoctoral research in cardiovascular Internal Medicine at The University of New South Wales from October 1992 to October 1994. Clinical residency training at Prince of Wales Hospital from July 1995 to December 1999; From October 1999 to December 2007, he served as Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of New South Wales and Tenured Professor and Director of cardiothoracic Surgery Research at Baylor College of Medicine. From January 2008 to October 2010,he served as Project Medical Director in Schering-Plough Corporation; From October 2010 to May 2022 he served as Project Section Chief, Clinical Head of Global projects, Head of Global Drug Discovery (China) and General Manager of Biomedical Research (China) at Novartis AG. 杨建新 首席执行官、执行董事基石药业临床医学专家、科学家,拥有海外大型跨国药企、科研院所等机构逾25年的学术科研及生物制药研发的资深经验,涵盖从药物发现, 转化医学到临床开发阶段。发表文章/会议报告50余篇,拥有专利9项;现任基石药业首席执行官以及执行董事,全面负责基石各项业务发展以及策略制定;六年时间里带领基石药业成功上市四款创新药,分别为泰吉华®(阿伐替尼),普吉华®(普拉替尼),择捷美®(舒格利单抗),拓舒沃®(艾伏尼布);曾任百济神州高级副总裁及临床开发负责人;组建百济神州临床团队,并领导4个肿瘤药物从一期到关键试验阶段的临床开发工作,包括已获批上市的中国首个自主研发的抗PD-1替雷利珠单抗PD-1替雷利珠单抗,BTK抑制剂泽布替尼BTK抑制剂泽布替尼和PARP抑制剂帕米帕利PARP抑制剂帕米帕利;曾任美国科文斯肿瘤医学总监;曾任辉瑞肿瘤生物标记物资深首席科学家;曾任Tularik/Amgen公司研究科学家; 领导超过十个肿瘤项目的研究与开发;拥有美国德州西南医学院博士学位,师从诺贝尔奖获得者Mike Brown博士和Joseph Goldstein博士;哈佛大学博士后,师从Stuart Schreiber博士;此前在南京医科大学和湖北医学院咸宁分院取得医学学位。 邹建军 执行董事兼副总经理及全球研发总裁君实生物邹建军(Jessie Zou)博士是上海君实生物的执行董事, 副总经理兼全球研发总裁。邹博士拥有第二军医大学医学博士学位。从1995年到2005年,她作为一名肿瘤科医生在三级甲等医院工作了10年。之后,她加入了拜耳医药股份有限公司,曾作为临床试验医师、拜耳中国肿瘤治疗团队负责人领导索拉非尼在中国的临床研发项目。之后,她到美国新泽西州,在拜耳总部的全球医学事务团队担任Xofigo的全球医学事务总监。2012年加入新基医药,任中国医学事务负责人、总监。2015年9月起加入江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司,担任副总经理、首席医学官(CMO),负责全球创新药的临床开发。2022年4月加入上海君实生物。Dr. JIANJUN (Jessie Zou) is the executive director and President of Global R&D of Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co., Ltd. She was trained by medical oncology in China and got her medical doctor degree in the second military medical university. She had been working in the level 3 A hospital as a medical oncologist for 10 years from 1995 – 2005. Then she joined Bayer Healthcare pharmaceutical company in China. She had been leading the clinical development programs of Sorafenib in China as the clinical trial physician, head of oncology therapeutic team in Bayer China. Then she moved to NJ, USA and worked as the global medical lead of Xofigo in the global medical affairs team in BayerhealtherCare Headquarter.  In 2012, she joined Celgene and worked as the director, head of the medical department, China.  Starting from Sept 2015, she joined JIANGSU HENGRUI MEDICINE, CO. LTD as the Vice President and chief medical officer (CMO).. In April, 2022, She joined Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co., Ltd.  石 明 执行副总裁和黄医药石明博士为和黄医药执行副总裁、研发负责人兼首席医学官。他负责带领公司的药物发现和临床开发战略和执行。于2022年加入和黄医药前,石博士曾任创胜集团的全球研发负责人兼首席医学官,在中国和美国建立了一个强大的全球研发团队,并将七个项目推进临床开发及多项临床前候选药物提名。在此之前,石博士在诺华工作超过15 年,担任过多个高级领导人员职位,包括全球项目临床负责人,并在多个新型肿瘤/ 血液病产品的临床开发中发挥了关键领导作用,包括从临床概念验证到成功执行全球关键试验、产品注册和生命周期管理。石博士拥有南加州大学分子药理学和毒理学博士学位,并于哈佛大学医学院进行博士后研究。他在北京协和医学院完成其医学学位。Dr Michael Shi is the Executive Vice President, Head of R&D and Chief Medical Officer of HUTCHMED. He oversees the drug discovery and development of the company from strategy to execution.Prior to joining HUTCHMED in 2022, Dr Shi was the Global Head of R&D and Chief Medical Officer at Transcenta Holding Limited where he helped build a strong global research and development organization across China and the U.S. and advanced seven programs into clinical development and multiple preclinical candidate nominations. Before that, Dr Shi worked at Novartis for over 15 years, where he held various senior leadership positions including global program clinical head in clinical development. He played key leadership roles in the clinical development of multiple novel oncology/hematology products from clinical proof-of-concept to successful execution of global pivotal trials, product registration and lifecycle management. Dr Shi holds a PhD in Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Southern California, and conducted postdoctoral research at the Harvard Medical School. He received his medical education from Peking Union Medical College. 万 江 资深副总裁兼首席运营官贝达药业香港科技大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士。曾就职于北京同仁医院骨科,在美国百时美施贵宝、法国赛诺菲安万特、美国礼来、英国阿斯利康、美国默沙东等医疗机构和知名药企担任高层管理职务,具有近30年的药物推广渠道建设和药物可及性提升经验,特别是对肿瘤治疗领域的药物在中国市场的应用具有专业影响力。分管公司肿瘤事业部、市场部、商务及市场准入部。Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Executive MBA. He has worked in the orthopedics division at Beijing Tongren Hospital and has held senior management positions in multiple medical institutions and leading pharmaceutical companies, such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi-Aventis, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, and MSD. With nearly 30 years’ experience in establishing drug promotion channels and improving drug accessibility, he has a significant impact on promoting anti-cancer drugs and the commercialization of drugs in the Chinese market. Mr. Wan is now in charge of the oncology affairs department, the marketing department, and the market access department in Betta. 孙志刚 高级副总裁绿叶制药孙志刚博士现任绿叶制药集团高级副总裁,负责整个集团的国际研发、全球质量、和全球药物警戒等方面的工作。他也曾在美国担任太阳药业有限公司监管事务副总裁,负责新药和仿制药的上市注册申报及上市后变更管理工作。加入工业界之前,孙博士曾在美国FDA工作近12年,担任工艺设施办公室(OPF)工艺评审II处代理主任,主要负责新药和仿制药的质量审评和批准前检查(PAI)。他还担任过FDA仿制药办公室(OGD)CMC审评组组长以及FDA驻华办公室(北京)代理药品助理主任。除药物质量审评和GMP现场检查外,孙博士也应邀加入多个FDA技术委员会,参与制定药物审评的内部政策程序及外部企业指南, 并多次获得FDA奖励。目前他应邀担任2020-2025界美国药典委员会委员(USP Expert Committee)和专家组(USP Expert Panel)成员, 以及中国医药创新促进会国际创新药物监管专业委员会委员。Dr. Zhigang Sun is currently Senior   Vice President at Luye Pharma Group Ltd.,responsible for international R&D, global quality, and global   pharmacovigilance. He previously served as Vice President of Regulatory   Affairs at Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc. in the United States, where he   was responsible for the marketing registration and post-market change   management of new drugs and generic drugs. Prior to joining industry, Dr. Sun   worked at U.S. FDA for nearly 12 years, where he served as the acting Branch   Chief at Office of Process and Facilities (OPF), and was responsible for  quality review and pre-approval   inspection (PAI) of new drugs and generic drugs. He also served as the   CMC team Leader at Office of Generic Drugs (OGD), FDA, and the acting Assistant   Country Director for Drugs at FDA China Office (Beijing).  In addition to drug review and CGMP   inspection, Dr. Sun involved in developing CDER Manual of Policies and   Procedures (MaPP) and FDA Guidance for Industry in several FDA technique   committees, and has been awarded many times within the FDA owing to his   excellent contribution.  He is currently invited to serve as a member of the USP   Expert Committee and a member of the USP Expert Panel in 2020-2025, as well   as a member of the International Innovative Drug Regulatory Committee of the   China Association for the Promotion of Pharmaceutical Innovation. 崔海峰 研发总经理济民可信崔海峰毕业于浙江大学高分子化学专业,后参加工作任助理工程师,在浙江省化工研究院从事高分子材料研发工作,期间一成果获国家科学进步二等奖。1997年进入美国宾西法尼亚大学深造,于2002年获有机化学博士。2002年起加入位于美国费城都会区的英国大型制药公司GSK从事原创新药研发,历任资深科学家,研究员,主任科学家至科学总监,先后领导过十余个新药项目,覆盖靶点发现到临床PoC全流程,目前有四个项目进入临床,其中一个进入临床三期。主要疾病领域在心血管,传染病,免疫及肿瘤。2019年10月回到中国,加入J&J亚太创新中心任资深总监,负责在亚太地区打造新药研发的生态圈,以及寻求与当地创新公司和科研院所的合作机会,疾病领域包括传染病及疫苗,神经科学,心血管及代谢,和免疫。2021年3月加入济民可信,负责整体的研发工作。PhD in organic chemistry from University of Pennsylvania. Started his drug discovery career at GSK from 2002 in the USA, worked across several therapeutic areas including cardiovascular, renal disease and infectious disease, over the years led multi-discipline teams delivered several compounds into clinic and follow-up to human PoC. From 2019, he returned to China and jointed J&J, performing search and evaluation for opportunities up to phase 2a to feed into global pipeline, covering infectious disease & vaccine, immunology, neuroscience, cardiovascular & metabolic diseases in the APAC region. Currently he leads the R&D organization of Jemincare Group, advancing an extensive portfolio of innovative medicines into clinical practice.  姚 璇 联合创始人&首席执行官辉大生物姚璇博士为辉大基因创始人&首席执行官,负责公司战略布局、团队组建、项目推进与体系建设。本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,并在中科院神经科学研究所获得神经生物学博士学位,创立辉大前曾担任中科院神经科学研究所副高级研究员。期间专注于新型基因编辑技术、动物模型建立及疾病治疗应用等多个领域的研究开发,在国际高水平期刊发表多项成果并申请多项发明专利。With a doctoral degree of   Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Xuan Yao once   served as Associate Senior Researcher at Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese   Academy of Sciences, and has published many of his research achievements   on Developmental Cell, Cell Research, Genome Biology and   other international high-ranking journals.    Before founding HuidaGene, Dr. Yao efficiently constructed knock-in mouse models as well as the world’s first knock-in macaques by optimizing gene editing techniques, innovated CRISPR technology to specifically remove entire chromosomes, opening new avenues for modeling and generating therapies for diseases such as Down Syndrome, and worked out an efficient method for somatic cell knockins and technical solutions for the treatment of monogenic diseases. He has an international frontier vision and gains insights into business transformation in terms of the application of new gene editing techniques in animal modeling and in disease treatment. 齐渊元 首席商务官复星凯特负责公司各项外部合作及复星凯特在中国的首款CAR-T的商业化开发,包括销售、商务运营、市场、BD、和准入。曾任上海复星医药集团战略部总监,参与包括复星凯特合资建立、复星领智在内的各项集团内重大投资合作项目。2008至2015年期间于上海交通大学上海免疫学研究从事肿瘤免疫及自身免疫病研究。He’s the Chief Commerical Officer of Fosun Kite Biotechnology Co., Ltd.   In charge of Fosun Kite 's various external cooperation and the commercial   development of the company's first CAR-T in China, including sales, commercial   operations, marketing, access and BD.He used to be the director of the strategy department of Fosun Pharma,   and participated in various major investment cooperation projects within the   group, including the establishment of Fosun Kite joint venture and Fosun Lead.From 2008 to 2015, he was engaged in tumor immunity and autoimmune   disease research at Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong   University. 王立群 创始人、董事长兼首席执行官星奕昂星奕昂创始人、董事长兼首席执行官王立群博士:中国科学技术大学细胞生物学学士、美国马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校分子生物学博士以及辛辛那提萨维尔大学工商硕士,美国国立健康研究院(NIH)博士后。王立群博士在美国和中国的生物制药领域拥有丰富的专业技术和研发管理经验。在成立星奕昂之前,曾任复星医药副总、首席技术官和美国凯特合资公司复星凯特的总裁。用不到三年时间带领复星凯特完成了奕凯达的技术落地,注册临床和生产,成为获中国药监局批准上市的首个CAR-T产品。王立群博士曾在美国宝洁、百时美施贵宝阿斯利康以及葛兰素史克中国研发中心的重要管理岗位上任职近20年,参与和主导了多个新药的研发及转化工作。他在西比曼生物科技担任首席运营官期间,全面管理公司运营、细胞治疗产品的生产、药理和临床研究,并兼任干细胞事业部总经理。•Founder, Chairman and CEO, Neukio Biotherapeutics•VP & CTO, Fosun Pharma•Founding CEO of Fosun Kite Biotech, completed tech transfer, registration trial and market authorization application for Yescarta in China (the first CAR-T product) in less than three years•COO of CBMG (Cellular Biomedical Group), managed production and clinical trials of stem cell and CAR-T therapies•Head of Operations, GSK R&D Center in China•Director of Alliance, Externalization and Portfolio Management, AstraZeneca Innovation Center China•Associate Director, Discovery Portfolio and Project Management, Bristol-Myers Squibb USA•Group Leader & Principal Scientist, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, USARichard received B.S degree in Cell Biology from the University of Science & Technology of China, Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore and MBA from Xavier University, in Cincinnati. He obtained postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health, USA. 郑 彪 首席执行官邦耀生物郑彪博士毕业于浙江大学医学院医学系;获上海复旦大学医学院免疫学硕士及伦敦大学 (King’s College, University of London) 免疫学博士学位。曾在美国马里兰大学医学院 (University of Maryland   School of Medicine) 及杜克大学医学中心 (Duke University Medical   Center) 任教。随后任职于美国贝勒医学院 (Baylor College of   Medicine), 为该校病理和免疫系终身教授。在葛兰索史克 (GlaxoSmithKline) 研发中心负责免疫学研究工作。曾任美国强生公司(Janssen Pharmaceuticals,   Johnson & Johnson) 全球副总裁, 负责亚太地区免疫领域创新药物研发,包括免疫调节机制、肿瘤免疫、及自身免疫性疾病。郑彪博士现任邦耀生物首席执行官。郑彪教授学术著作丰厚,其中多篇发表在Nature和Science等世界顶尖杂志上。在马里兰大学、杜克大学贝勒医学院工作期间获得多项重大科研基金,包括美国NIH科研基金、白血病与淋巴瘤协会基金、美国关节炎基金会、美国心脏研究协会基金、美国衰老研究联盟基金等。在药物研发方面,从新药筛选、靶点研究、疾病模型、临床前及临床试验等方面积累了重要的经验,对新药开发全过程有深刻的认识。在打造小分子药,大分子抗体药,细胞治疗管线均有丰富的经验。 Dr. Biao Zheng graduated with a medical degree from   Zhejiang University School of Medicine. He received his PhD in Immunology   from King’s College, University of London. Dr. Zheng served at the faculty of   University of Maryland School of Medicine and Duke University Medical Center.   He was a tenured professor in the Department of Pathology and Immunology,   Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Zheng worked for GlaxoSmithKline R&D   Center as the head of Immunological Discovery Sciences. He was a global vice   president of the Immunology Therapeutic Area, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and   Johnson & Johnson Innovation Center, Asia Pacific, responsible for the   innovative immunological drug pipeline in the region. Dr. Zheng is now the   Chief Executive Officer at BRL Medicine.Dr. Zheng is an experienced physician scientist, drug hunter, and professor with a demonstrated history working both in academia and pharmaceutical industry. He has more than thirty years of experience in biomedical research and drug discovery. He has published extensively in world top journals including Nature and Science. His major areas of research and development include autoimmune diseases, immuno-oncology, and novel vaccine development. 许 若 副总裁开拓药业许若博士本科就读于北京大学化学系,之后获美国哥伦比亚大学博士学位。从1998年开始,许博士先后在先灵堡雅、默克API Inc.等美国大小制药企业的工作20多年,在药物化学,工艺化学,原料药的cGMP制造,CMC文件准备和提交等领域积累了丰富的经验。许博士于2019年4月回国加入开拓药业股份有限公司,担任化学副总裁职务。全面负责公司的药物化学的研发和原料药的生产工作。Dr. Xu received his bachelor's degree in chemistry from Peking University and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. After his academic training, Dr. Xu has worked in pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years, including Schering-Plough, Merck, API Inc. etc. in the United States. During this time, he accumulated rich experience in medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, cGMP manufacturing of APIs, CMC document preparation and submission, etc. Dr. Xu returned to China in April 2019 and joined Kintor Pharma as Vice President of Chemistry. He is responsible for the medicinal chemistry research and the production of APIs of the company. 田文志 创始人、董事长兼总经理宜明昂科田文志博士,上海市“千人计划”专家、浦东新区“百人计划”专家、科技部火炬中心科技创新创业人才、复旦大学药学院兼职教授,现任宜明昂科生物医药技术(上海)股份有限公司董事长兼总经理。于1995年10月至2011年4月先后在瑞典、美国留学及工作,主要从事肿瘤免疫学及抗肿瘤抗体药物开发研究。累计发表学术论文30余篇,克隆新基因7个,参编英文专著一部,申请新药发明专利40余项,获得授权13项。2011年4月辞职回国,先后创办了华博生物医药技术(上海)有限公司宜明昂科生物医药技术(上海)股份有限公司宜明探科生物医药技术(上海)有限公司。回国12年以来,已将 8个新药项目开发至临床试验阶段,其中7项已开展临床试验。Dr. Wenzhi Tian is the founder and Chairman of IImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Inc., a clinical stage biotech company headquartered in Shanghai, China, with primary focus on research and development of tumor immunotherapeutic drugs including checkpoint modulators and target-activated NK (TANKTM) products. Prior to ImmuneOnco Biopharma, Dr. Tian worked as Chief Executive Officer at Huabo Biopharm from June of 2011 to April of 2015. During that period, Dr. Tian advanced two large molecule programs to the clinical stage. Prior to moving back to China, Dr. Tian worked as Principal Research Scientist at ImClone Systems from January of 2006 to April of 2011. Dr. Tian graduated from Henan Medical University (Now Zhengzhou University School of Medicine) and did his postdoctoral training at North Shore University Hospital, NYU School of Medicine. He was appointed a Senior Research Associate at Weill Medical College of Cornell University thereafter. 钱雪明 执行董事、首席执行官创胜集团钱雪明博士是创胜集团医药有限公司(下称创胜集团)的首席执行官。创胜集团是一家具备生物药发现、研发、工艺开发和生产全流程整合能力的临床阶段的生物制药公司。2021年9月29日,创胜集团在香港联合交易所主板上市,股票代码:06628。钱雪明博士毕业于复旦大学生物物理学系 (1985 – 1990),并分别在哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University, 1990 – 1992) 和奥尔巴尼医学中心 (Albany Medical Center, 1995 – 1997) 获得神经学与生理学硕士学位和神经学与药理学博士学位。钱雪明博士拥有 20 年的生物制药行业经验。在创立创胜集团之前,钱博士于 2010-2013 年间任盛诺基医药集团 (Shenogen Pharma Group) 研发总裁和董事会成员。1997-2010 间任职于美国安进公司,专注于抗体新药的开发。钱博士是十多个创新药物专利申请的发明人,也是国际抗体协会会员、国际肾病协会会员、新药创始人俱乐部、创新生物社和 BayHelix 百华协会会员,获得了国家级高层次人才、苏州工业园区科技领军人才和苏州市姑苏创新创业领军人才等支持。Dr. Xueming Qian is the CEO of Transcenta Holding Limited (HKEX: 06628), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company with fully-integrated capabilities in discovery, research, development and manufacturing of antibody-based therapeutics. Dr. Qian received his B.S. in Biophysics from Fudan University (Shanghai, China, 1985 – 1990), M.A. in Neuroscience/Physiology from Columbia University (New York, USA, 1990 – 1992) and Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Pharmacology from Albany Medical Center (New York, USA, 1995 – 1997).Dr. Qian has over twenty years of industrial experience in biotechnology drug discovery and development. Before starting Transcenta, Dr. Qian was Senior VP and R&D Head of Shenogen Pharma Group from 2010 and 2013. Dr. Qian worked more than 12 years at Amgen as principal scientist and project team leader from 1997 and 2010. Dr. Qian is the author over ten patent applications and a member of the New Drug Founder’s Club, Bio-logics Innovation Group, BayHelix as well as several scientific organizations such as ASCO, ESMO, AACR, ASN and Antibody Society. 邱夏阳 首席执行官齐鲁锐格医药邱博士曾在美国葛兰素史克和辉瑞工作23年,展示了数十年来在科学和领导方面的卓越成就。在创立锐格之前,他是辉瑞公司的执行总监、结构和分子科学部负责人,领导了约 60 名科学家进行新药研发工作,涵盖多个治疗领域和模式。他是全球第一个工业界冷冻电镜实验室创始人。任职葛兰素史克辉瑞期间,邱博士和他的团队为29个临床分子做出关键贡献,并在基于结构的药物设计以及相关的分子和计算技术方面享誉全球医药行业。邱博士撰写了 60 多篇文献(7000 次引用)和十几项专利,培训了 15 名博士后,并在美国国家卫生院的专家评审小组中任职。邱博士毕业于北京大学,并在密歇根州立大学获得博士学位。他曾是华盛顿大学的 NIH 博士后研究员和 HHMI 研究助理。Dr. Qiu demonstrated decades of scientific and leadership successes at GSK and Pfizer. Prior to founding Regor, he was an Executive Director at Pfizer-Connecticut and led ~60 scientists driving cutting-edge drug discovery efforts across therapeutic areas and modalities. His group contributed to 29 clinical candidates and built an industry-leading reputation in structure-based drug design and associated molecular and computational technologies. He authored >60 publications (7000 citations) and a dozen of patents, trained 15 postdocs and served on expert review panels for National Institute of Health. Dr. Qiu graduated from Peking University and earned his PhD from Michigan State. He was a NIH Postdoctoral Fellow and HHMI Research Associate at University of Washington. 吕璐璐 首席执行官合源生物临床医学博士学位(内科血液病学),在肿瘤生物科学研究、创新药研发与商业化领域拥有超过20年经验。2018年参与创立合源生物并担任首席执行官。凭借对细胞基因前沿创新技术发展和创新药研发及商业化路径的深刻洞见,搭建了具有国际竞争力的多疾病领域的细胞治疗产品管线和专业团队,以临床价值为导,向带领公司稳步实现从细胞药物研发到商业化、并逐步实现全球化的战略布局,致力于将公司打造成为全球领先的专注于细胞基因领域的生物制药企业。在吕璐璐博士的带领下,公司首个具有完全中国自主知识产权的核心产品,赫基仑赛注射液(CNCT19细胞注射液)获得国家药品监督管理局“突破性治疗药物”(2020)认定和美国FDA“孤儿药”(2022)认定,其新药上市申请(NDA)于2022年12月获得国家药品监督管理局正式受理并纳入优先审评,该产品是中国白血病治疗领域首个获得NDA受理并有望首个获批的CAR-T细胞治疗产品,也是有望首个获批的中国全自主研发的靶向CD19 CAR-T细胞治疗产品。2007年以前,主要从事造血干细胞和间充质干细胞临床和科研工作。2007年~2018年,在诺华健赞罗氏阿斯利康默沙东等跨国公司关键岗位任职,从事血液和肿瘤领域创新药物研发和产品商业化工作。 苏晓晔 核酸药物研究院负责人石药集团苏晓晔博士具有十六年核酸药物研发经验。本科毕业于南开大学,博士毕业于美国杜兰大学核酸技术方向。曾在美国渤健(Biogen)任PAT团队负责人, 参与核酸药物平台的搭建工作。现任职石药集团核酸药物研究院,负责核酸技术的产品开发与技术平台建设工作。迄今主要负责或参与了3个重磅核酸品种的上市,获得多个核酸药物临床批件。Dr. Su has over 16 years R&D experience of RNA medicine development. He received his bachelor degree in chemistry from Nankai Unviersity and his Ph.D. in RNA technology from Tulane University. After academic training, he joined Biogen and lead PAT team for RNA CMC development. Currently he leads R&D team of RNA therapeutics at CSPC. Successfully led multiple new RNA products NDA/BLA approval or IND as a major contributor. 秦 耘 临床科学和医学服务高级副总裁药明巨诺秦耘,现任药明巨诺生物科技有限公司临床科学和医学服务高级副总裁,带领临床开发,医学事务,医学沟通和药物警戒等团队,曾先后在辉瑞默沙东阿斯利康等知名跨国制药企业从事临床开发工作,曾参与或带领团队实现克唑替尼可瑞达,英飞凡,泰瑞莎等多个里程碑产品在中国多个适应症的获批。并主导血液肿瘤实体肿瘤产品管线的管理和临床开发工作。   Qin Yun, currently Senior Vice President of Clinical Science and Medical Services at JW Therapeutics Co., Ltd., lead clinical development, medical affairs, medical communication, and pharmacovigilance teams. Has more than 15 years’ experience in clinical development at multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, MSD, and AstraZeneca to lead the clinical development of blood tumors and solid tumor product pipelines. Successfully led teams to achieve multiple new products and indications approval in China such as Crizotinib, Keytruda, Imfinzi  and Tagrisso. 赵春林 创始人&CEO安龙生物赵春林博士,安龙基金创始合伙人,安龙生物创始人,为清华大学生物系首届毕业生,获得美国匹兹堡医学院分子生物学博士和芝加哥大学工商管理硕士,曾任美国辉瑞制药资深经理,国科嘉和及康桥资本董事总经理,拥有三十多年生命科学及医疗健康领域的创业和投资经验,投资过信达生物,贝瑞合康,天镜生物,歌礼药业,莱凯医药,创响生物国科恒泰等杰出企业。赵春林博士曾任清华大学生命科学院,医学院及药学院首届校友会主席,为百华协会资深会员。安龙基金是一只专注于国内早期生命科学与医疗健康领域的基金,投资领域横跨生命科学,医药研发,医疗器械,医疗服务及相关领域。安龙生物是国内核酸药物领先企业,专注基因治疗,RNA,基因编辑等核酸药物的新药研发。Chunlin   Zhao, Ph.DFounder of the AnlongMed/AnlongBio. Dr. Zhao is among the first class graduated from Biological Science and Technology department at Tsinghua University in 1990. Then, he received his Ph.D of molecular biology at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and MBA from University of Chicago in the United States. Dr. Zhao was a senior manager at Pfizer in US. After returning to China, he founded Beijing LongMed biological technology co., LTD and then became partner of CASH Capital and C-Bridge Capital. Dr. Zhao has over 30 years of industry experience and excellent investment achievements, invested in Innovent, BerryGenomics, ASLETIS, GKHT and Imagine. Dr. Zhao is the founding Chairman of Tsinghua Alumni Association of School of Life Sciences,School of Medicine and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a senior member of BayHelix group. AnlongMed is a leading fund in Chinese life sciences and health care, focusing on biotech & pharma, medical devices, life sciences and medical services in China. Dr. Zhao also founded AnlongBio, a leading player in genetic medicine discovery in China, focusing on gene therapy, iRNA, mRNA, and other genetic medicines. 栗世铀 联合创始人、CTO启辰生生物曾任中国科学院北京基因组研究所研究生导师、2015年度国家十三五传染病重大专项首席科学家;参加十一五重大药物研发专项、承担十二五、十三五   “重大新药”创制项目;目前主持多项科技部和地方科委课题。国家和浙江、福建等省自然科学基金委评审专家;多个杂志编委;发表SCI论文 50余篇。Dr.Shi-you Li, Principle Investigator at Chinese Academy of Sciences   Beijing Institute of Genomics prior to the founding of TRICISION BIO Ltd., Chief Scientist of the 13th Five-Year Plan National Major Project for Infectious Diseases in 2015, participated in the 11th Five-Year Plan Major Project for drug development and the 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan “Major New Drug” Development and Manufactor Project. Currently, Dr.Li presides over a number of projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology and local science and technology commissions, and is the peer review expert of the National and Zhejiang, Fujian and other provincial natural science foundations. Dr.Li has more than 50 scientific publication, and is on the editorial board for multiple journals. 徐元元 董事长、CEO克睿基因南京大学本科,清华大学博士,耶鲁大学医学院博士后、副研究员,历任麦肯锡咨询顾问,上市公司生物药发现&研发副总,现任苏州克睿基因生物科技有限公司董事长。克睿基因2016年在苏州成立,是一家专注于病毒递送系统及基因编辑系统应用开发的创新基因细胞治疗公司,致力于开发肿瘤和遗传疾病。公司成立以来完成近1亿美元融资,并率先完成国内首个病毒载体领域与全球Top20制药公司的授权合作,建成了11000㎡的高规格基因编辑和基因治疗研发生产中心。 王子豪 董事长、CEO嘉晨西海嘉晨西海生物技术有限公司创始人王子豪博士毕业于美国约翰霍普金斯大学,毕业后曾就职于多个国际大型制药企业长达 11 年之久,在职期间直接参与过四价流感、艾滋病、狂犬病、呼吸道合胞病毒、人巨细胞病毒等疫苗的 CMC 开发。王子豪博士作为最早参与自复制 mRNA 工艺设计优化和产业化开发的人员之一,专注于 mRNA 技术平台的工艺开发8年,并且直接参与了 mRNA 技术平台在多个病毒传染病领域的有效性及安全性验证和临床开发等。 Dr. Zihao Wang is the Chief Executive Officer at Immorna and Co-founder of the Immorna family of companies. Dr. Wang is a seasoned   entrepreneur and established biopharmaceutical veteran. He has over 14 years of biotech R&D and leadership experience. He is one of the pioneers in   self-replicating mRNA (srRNA) CMC development and is the mastermind behind   the development of the mRNA platform technologies at Immorna, which include an improved next generation srRNA, conventional mRNA, and circular RNA. Dr. Wang pioneers the application of srRNA-LNP against oncology indications.Prior to founding the Immorna family of companies, Dr.   Wang held various R&D roles at GSK Vaccines, Novartis Vaccines and   Diagnostics, Grifols SA, etc. During his tenure at Novartis and GSK, he spent   more than 7 years working directly on srRNA CMC development and the   application of srRNA technology against various viral infectious diseases.Dr. Wang is the lead author on more than 20 publications with more than 2000 citations. He is also the inventor on multiple patents related to mRNA design, RNA delivery, and their applications in various disease areas. Dr. Wang received his B.S. in Biochemistry from Fudan University in Shanghai, and his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from The Johns Hopkins University. 杨宪斌 中国区CSO圣诺医药杨博士从事核酸创新药物研发工作30多年。在加入圣诺前,他参与并创建两家开发核酸药品的美国生物科技公司。他曾经担任过多家国际科技公司的顾问,是美国国立卫生研究院三个项目组的评审专家,八家国际期刊的审稿人, 2008-2018年被美国和国内双一流大学聘为兼职教授。杨博士作为新药项目研发总负责人(PI),在过去作为PI承担着多项美国国家核酸药研发项目。杨博士在核酸药物开发领域的创新研究成果得到了同行的一致认同。杨博士于2003年获得美国德克萨斯大学医学院James W. McLaughlin 奖,以表彰他发现抗西尼罗病毒核酸药;杨博士于2005 和2006 连续两年获得纽约科学院奖学金;2012年获得国际核酸药物学会设立的首届青年科学家奖;2017被选为北京大学医学部优秀校友。2022年被选为苏州工业园区创新领军人才。在过去15年间,杨博士100多次应邀出席各种大学、研究所、医药公司和国际生物医药举办的各类会议,并做报告。杨博士先后在国际生物科技领域权威期刊发表了70多篇学术论文和100多篇学术会议论文摘要。杨博士已获得三项美国专利和一项澳大利亚专利,还有多项专利正在审批中。杨博士早年获得北京医科大学学士和医学硕士、欧洲博士、 美国工商管理硕士学位。Dr. Yang has been engaged in the research and development of innovative nucleic acid drugs for more than 30 years. Prior to joining Sirnaomics,   he co-founded two U.S. biotechnology companies that developed nucleic acid based therapeutics. He has served as a consultant for several international companies, a reviewer for three sections of the National Institutes   of Health, a reviewer for   eight international journals, and was employed   as an adjunct professor at   university in the United States   and China from 2008   to 2018. Dr. Yang has been responsible   for a number of national   nucleic acid drug R&D projects   in the United States   as a PI in the past. Dr. Yang's achievements   in the field of nucleic acid drug development have been unanimously recognized by his peers. Dr. Yang received   the James W. McLaughlin   Award from the University of Texas Medical Brance in 2003 for his discovery of anti-West Nile virus nucleic acid   therapeuticss; Dr. Yang was awarded a fellowship   to the New York Academy of Sciences for two consecutive years in 2005 and 2006; In 2012, he won the first Young Investigator Award established   by the Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Society; In 2017, he was selected as   an excelent alumnus of Peking University   Health Science Center.   In 2022, he was selected   as the innovation   leader of Suzhou Industrial Park. In the past 15 years, Dr. Yang has been invited to attend and give more than   100 conferences held by universities,research institutes, pharmaceutical companies and international biomedicine. Dr. Yang has published more than 70 academic papers and more than 100 abstracts of academic conference papers in authoritative   international biotechnology journals. Dr.   Yang has been granted three U.S. patents and one Australian patent, with   several patents pending.   Dr. Yang received   his bachelor's and master's degrees   in medicine from Beijing   Medical University, his Ph.D. in   Europe,   and his MBA. 汪 裕 首席医学官劲方医药汪裕博士1995年毕业于同济医科大学(武汉)临床医学系。1995-2000年,在上海医科大学(现复旦大学医学院)研究生院外科学系攻读博士学位 (附属中山医院普外科胆道外科)。2000年7月毕业后在华东医院外科短暂工作。2001年至2004年间,在美国密歇根州Wayne State University医学院Barbara 肿瘤研究所进行肿瘤治疗领域的博士后研究,在相关学术杂志发表多篇文章。2004年回国后,先后在三维生物礼来制药葛兰素赛诺菲亚太研发中心担任肿瘤领域医学负责人从事肿瘤药物的临床开发。2013-2016年,在诺华生物医学研究院临床肿瘤转化医学部门作为全球早期临床项目和试验的负责人,进行肿瘤产品临床早期研究,领导了数个first-in-class肿瘤靶向产品在全球的临床研究。汪裕博士于2016年11月-2017年12月作为首席科学官就职于博纳西亚医药科技有限公司。2018年1月创立详妍咨询,曾兼任国内多个上市医药公司、生物技术公司及学术研究机构高级医学顾问、外聘专家,和誉生物首席医学官。2020年至今任劲方医药首席医学官。 陈元伟 董事长&CEO海创药业海创药业股份有限公司创始人、董事长兼总经理(总裁),四川大学特聘教授、博士生导师、瑞士洛桑大学化学博士,美国斯克利普斯研究所博士后研究员、国家级人才专家、四川省杰出人才、成都天府海智计划专家、成都高新区金熊猫成就奖获得者、成都蓉漂计划引进人才,四川省第九批学术与技术带头人。世界500强艾伯维(Abbvie)制药拜耳制药(Bayer)美国研究院等近20年药物研发经验。曾任白鹭医药技术(上海)有限公司首席科技官,成都睿智化学研究有限公司总经理,推动10个新药项目分别进入IND申报、I-III期临床研究阶段。共发表专利60余篇,论文70余篇。Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hinova Pharmaceuticals Inc. ⚫Past General Manager, Chengdu ChemPartner Co.Ltd., China⚫Past Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry, Shanghai ChemPartner Co.Ltd., China-Past Chief ScientificOfficer, Egret Pharma (Shanghai)Ltd, Shanghai, China⚫Past Senior Scientistll and project leader, Bayer Healthcare, Pharmaceutical product Division, USA.PastSenior Research Scientist,AbbVie, Abbott Park, Pharmaceutical Product Division, USA⚫Inventor and co-inventor of more than 20 compounds that are in Phase l,ll and ll clinical trials(influenzaneuraminidase inhibitor, VEGFR inhibitor, SGLT2 inhibitor,AR inhibitor). 郑 浩 资深副总裁信念医药郑浩有17年的药物生产质量和供应链管理经验,曾在葛兰素史克中国,日本和英国负责生产和供应链管理以及项目管理,目前任职信念医药,担任高级副总裁。Chris Zheng has 17 years working experience regarding to manufacturing, quality and supply chain management, he used to work in GlaxoSmithKline China, Japan and UK and be responsible for manufacturing, supply chain and project management. Now he is working as SVP in Belief BioMed. 王建飞 首席科学官艾美斐生物比较医学高级医师,国际AAALAC认可委员会常务理事,中科院上海生命科学研究院教授(兼),上海科学院特聘教授。加拿大卡尔加里大学分子细胞学博士学位,在美国哈佛大学医学院从事博士后研究。曾任美国宾夕法尼亚大学比较医学住院医师4年,并获执医资质,任加拿大艾尔伯塔大学医学院外科系教授。曾担任GSK中国研发中心整合生物技术科研部负责人,建立了完整的临床前研发平台,为公司的数十个项目提供靶点验证、先导化合物优化、药效学和药代动力学研究提供科学及技术支持,获得GSK中国研发中心包括金奖在内的多次表彰,GSK全球整合生物平台科研部领导之一, 并成功地推动多个新药研发项目完成临床申报,进入临床试验,被评为高级GSK研究员(Senior GSK Fellow,公司科研最高级别学者)。在转化医学研究方面拥有超过28年的经验,在世界著名的国际期刊上发表了70多篇论文,10多篇书刊章节,获多项专利。Senior Physician in Comparative Medicine.Professor of CAS Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences (adjunct).Honorary Head and Professor, Institute of Translational Medicine, Shanghai Academy of Sciences.Distinguished professor of Yunnan Agricultural University.Dr. Wang received a Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from the University of Calgary, Canada and completed his residency in Comparative Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. He then pursued his postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School. He was later appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta, Canada, before returning to China.Dr. Wang is a seasoned executive with solid knowledge of both small and large molecule drugs and extensive experience in program insight for shaping R&D strategy. He has over 28 years of translational medicine research and team management experience in multinational pharmaceutical companies. At GSK R&D China, Dr. Wang established an integrated preclinical platform that provided support for target identification, validation, lead compound optimization, DMPK studies, discovery histopathology, safety assessment, and blood-brain barrier penetration for many projects that proceeded to candidate selections and clinical trials. Due to his distinguished contributions, Dr. Wang received many awards from GSK R&D China. He also served as a core member of the GSK global translational medicine leadership team and was elected as a Senior GSK Fellow, the highest level of scientific research scholar.Dr. Wang’s contributions to translational medicine & drug discovery are recognized by being granted numerous distinguished awards, including an outstanding scientist by numerous national and international organizations. He has published more than 70 papers in prestigious international journals and owns multiple patents. 韩淑华 首席科学官嘉和生物韩淑华博士拥有超过25年的学术研究和在肿瘤免疫,炎症自身免疫病等方面的新药研发经验, 现任嘉和生物药业有限公司首席科学官。韩淑华博士毕业于复旦医学院医学专业,获得英国帝国理工学院免疫学博士学位,在美国马里兰大学和杜克大学完成博士后研究, 曾任美国贝勒医学院免疫系和病理系终身教授。加入嘉和生物前,韩博士担任上海药明康德新药开发有限公司副总裁,搭建免疫学研究中心,开发了具有核心竞争力的可为免疫相关靶点新药研发提供从早期研发到临床生物标记物检测等多层次一体化免疫学研发平台,曾与很多国内外制药公司合作,提供小分子和大分子的新药研发服务。 蔡家强 联合创始人、CSO宜联生物蔡家强,于中科院大连化学物理研究所获得博士学位,伦敦大学学院完成博士后培训。现任苏州宜联生物联合创始人兼CSO。蔡博士有超过30年创新药行业经验,发表专利论文近200件。曾任职默沙东四川科伦江苏豪森从事新药研发工作。蔡博士有30多个化合物处于临床和临床前的不同阶段,近期领导研发的多个ADC项目实现了和MNC药企以及海内外Biotech的大金额国际转让合作。Dr Cai is the co-founder and CSO of MediLink Therapeutics. He received his doctoral degree from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and completed his postdoctoral training at University College London. Dr. Cai has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has published nearly 200 patents and peer reviewed papers. He has contributed over 30 compounds to different stages of clinical and preclinical developments.  Of these, multiple ADC compounds have achieved license out deals with MNC and global biotechnology companies in multi-billion US dollars. 单 波 首席科学官德琪医药单波,德琪医药首席科学官,在英国阿斯顿大学获得博士学位,具有超过20年的创新药研发和生产经验。单博士曾在英国GE Healthcare等公司从事研发工作,后担任上海睿智化学执行总监,歌礼药业副总裁。于2018年加入德琪,负责组建研发团队,领导包括小分子,抗体和ADC等创新药的开发。单博士带领团队开发了多个小分子和大分子创新药进入中国和美国临床,3个创新药已经在中国获批上市。Bo Shan, PhD. Chief Scientific Officer, Antengene. Dr. Shan obtained his PhD from Aston University in the UK. He has over 20 years pharmaceutical experience in R&D. Prior to his position at Antengene, Dr. Shan held several senior positions for various companies, including Chempartner and GE Healthcare. Dr. Shan joined Antengene in 2018, responsible for establishing the R&D and CMC team. In the past years, Dr. Shan lead interdisciplinary teams to deliver multiple INDs in China and US, 3 drugs were approved in China.历届杰出发言人A Glance of Past Inspirational Speakers(下滑查看更多)APRL 2023(第十二届)亚洲医药研发领袖峰会将秉承“以患者为中心,创新赋能临床”的办会宗旨,全面提升医药行业从业者的专业能力,加强中国医药研发能力建设,促进中国新药研发创新能力与国际接轨。会议将为行业人士搭建学术交流平台,促进行业创新发展。历届会议精彩瞬间Wonderful Moment(点击图片,回顾《2022APRL第十一届亚洲医药研发领袖峰会》精彩瞬间!)(扫码报名)(微信报名)【媒体合作/咨询参会/赞助合作】Aili LI 李先生Tel: (86 21) 6095 7201/13849919680E-mail: aili.li@shine-consultant.com