
创新药发展至关键时刻,数年积累正待收获。2023年BD合作成为焦点,国内外市场成果显著。展望2024,持续BD交易成常态,合作出海引领全球生物医药创新,为中国带来新机遇。适逢其时,2024年第四届DJSeedin创新合作峰会将于5月15-16日在上海黄浦江边举行。旨在搭建创新药交易、合作、融资平台,预计吸引60+企业路演,400+合作伙伴,1000+ BD和投资人参与。大会名称|2024第四届DJSeedin创新合作峰会(DJSeedin Innovation Partnering Conference 2024)大会日期|2024.5.15-16(周三/周四)大会地址|上海浦东大会内容|1-on-1 Partnering、线下路演(上市公司、临床阶段公司、早期技术公司、海外公司)大会规模|1000~1200人参会观众|C-Level、药企BD、一二级市场投资机构、证券公司▼扫码报名/Scan QR code for registration如果您是药企BD和投资机构,请选择【审核票】,活动免费,每家公司限2人如果您是非药企和投资机构,请选择【标准票】,3月31日前享早鸟价1500元/人 如果您想参加晚宴 精准对接C-Level,请选择【豪华票】,3月31日前享早鸟价4800元/人路演企业公布科伦博泰贝达药业诺诚健华迈威生物三生制药复宏汉霖宜明昂科百奥赛图来凯医药和誉生物映恩生物宜联生物舶望制药海昶生物科望医药爱科百发智康弘义博奥信靖因药业康朴生物康抗生物奕拓生物可瑞生物博致生物生诺生物明济生物标新生物Elpis深信生物尧唐生物益杰立科Metcura演生潮传领医学高维医药复东生物Full Circles默达生物泽维生物本次公开征集共收到60多家公司报名,感谢信任!未通过企业可获得大会免费门票和1-on-1约见系统名额。感谢DJS 评委团的辛勤工作和无私奉献!勃林格殷格翰罗氏皮尔法伯重磅加入Detlev MennerichGlobal Head of Business Development & Licensing at Boehringer IngelheimHarm-Jan BorgeldGlobal Head, Asia Partnering, Roche陈 燕Pierre Fabre Medical Care 业务拓展高级经理 1-on-1 Partnering 合作投资对接高效约见:轻松与投资人、药企BD、CEO等超300家、1000+位业界精英高效约见,畅聊项目发展。提升效率:精准安排会面,快速洽谈合作事宜,提升参会效率。精准对接:1-on-1系统精准对接潜在合作伙伴,让项目得到更多曝光。数据说话:上届会议成功约见300+次会议,发送近3000+会议邀约。大会议程Thanks to Our PartnersDiamond PartnerPartnering interest:New ideas. New science. First-in-class medicine. This is what we’re looking for in our search to discover the next generation of breakthrough medicines. Our partnering activities encompass: · Focusing on the discovery and development of new and better medicines for patients in our scientific focus areas · Investigating common pathological mechanisms such as fibrosis and immune modulation that contribute to multiple diseases· Exploring new frontiers in science and technology, outside our scientific focus areas, to anticipate future trends that complement our research strategy. Business Development & Licensing Partnering Interests:· CardioMetabolic Diseases· CNS Diseases· Immunology· Oncology· Respiratory Diseases· Retinal HealthResearch Beyond Borders Partnering Interests:· Gene Therapy· Regenerative Medicine· Rare DiseasesThe Pierre Fabre Group has set itself the mission of developing innovative solutions that contribute significantly to the well-being of men and women, from health to beauty. Our Group has been built on a combination of excellence in R&D and strong collaborative partnerships. We are therefore actively seeking opportunities that will enrich our product portfolio and pipeline. We will focus on exploring three areas with potential partners: Oncology, Dermatology and Rare Disease.Innovation PartnerRoche is a leading healthcare company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system. Roche is also the world leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner in diabetes management. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader in personalised healthcare.Founded in 1896, Roche continues to search for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and make a sustainable contribution to society. The Roche Group, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is active in over 100 countries and in 2022 employed over 100,000 people worldwide. To revolutionise healthcare, Roche is investing heavily in research and development with CHF 14 billion in 2022 and posted sales of CHF 63.3 billion. Genentech, in the United States, is a wholly owned member of the Roche Group. Roche is the majority shareholder in Chugai Pharmaceutical, Japan.Our Pharma Partnering team provides comprehensive business development and alliance management support for Roche and Genentech's R&D units and the broader pharmaceutical division. Alongside the broad internal pipeline, external innovation has always been a critical component of our R&D strategy. In 2022, we entered into more than 60 new partnerships and are managing over 250 ongoing alliances worldwide.For more information visit:https://www.roche.com/partnering/about_partnering_at_roche.htm咨询请加小助手(请注明姓名+公司)