A review.After receiving emergency approval during the COVID-19 pandemic, mRNA vaccines have taken center stage in the quest to enhance future vaccination strategies for both infectious diseases and cancer.Indeed, they have significantly overshadowed another facet of genetic vaccination, specifically DNA vaccines.Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that both types of genetic vaccines have distinct advantages and disadvantages that set them apart from each other.In this work, we delve extensively into the history of genetic vaccines, their mechanisms of action, their strengths, and limitations, and ultimately highlight ongoing research in key areas for potential enhancement of both DNA and mRNA vaccines.Here, we assess the significance of the primary benefits and drawbacks associated with DNA and mRNA vaccination.We challenge the current lines of thought by highlighting that the existing drawbacks of DNA vaccination could potentially be more straightforward to address compared to those linked with mRNA vaccination.In our view, this suggests that DNA vaccines should remain viable contenders in the pursuit of the future of vaccination.