别名- |
简介 Plays an essential role in viral RNA transcription and replication by forming the heterotrimeric polymerase complex together with PB1 and PB2 subunits. The complex transcribes viral mRNAs by using a unique mechanism called cap-snatching. It consists in the hijacking and cleavage of host capped pre-mRNAs. These short capped RNAs are then used as primers for viral mRNAs. The PB2 subunit is responsible for the binding of the 5' cap of cellular pre-mRNAs which are subsequently cleaved after 10-13 nucleotides by the PA subunit that carries the endonuclease activity. |
作用机制 PA protein抑制剂 [+1] |
在研机构 |
原研机构 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段申请上市 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
作用机制 PA protein抑制剂 |
在研机构 |
原研机构 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段申请上市 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
作用机制 CEN抑制剂 [+1] |
在研机构 |
原研机构 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段临床3期 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
开始日期2024-12-12 |
申办/合作机构 江西科睿药业有限公司 [+1] |
开始日期2024-12-01 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2024-12-01 |
申办/合作机构 江西科睿药业有限公司 [+1] |