Abstract:A liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method with vonoprazan fumarate‐d4 as a stable isotope‐labeled internal standard was developed and validated aiming at quantification of vonoprazan fumarate in human plasma for a bioequivalence study. Chromatographic separation was achieved by acetonitrile one‐step protein precipitation using a gradient elution of 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile with a run time of 3.65 min. Detection was carried out on a tandem mass spectrometer in multiple reaction monitoring mode via a positive electrospray ionization interface. The multiple reaction monitoring mode of precursor–product ion transitions for vonoprazan fumarate and vonoprazan fumarate‐d4 were m/z 346.0 → 315.1 and 350.0 → 316.0, respectively. The linear range was 0.150–60.000 ng/ml. This method was fully validated with acceptable results in terms of selectivity, carryover, lower limit of quantification, calibration curve, accuracy, precision, dilution effect, matrix effect, stability, recovery and incurred sample reanalysis. A successful application of this method was realized in the bioequivalence study of vonoprazan fumarate tablet (20 mg) among healthy Chinese volunteers.