This study explores the impact of electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding on tear film stability, a crucial factor for ocular surface health. While mucosal and meibomian layers have been extensively studied, the role of electrolytes in the aqueous phase remains unclear. Dry eye syndrome, characterized by insufficient tear quantity or quality, is associated with hyperosmolality, making electrolyte composition an important factor that might impact tear stability. Using a model buffer solution on a silica glass dome, we simulated physiologically relevant tear film conditions. Sodium chloride alone induced premature dewetting through salt crystal nucleation. In contrast, trace amounts of solutes with hydroxyl groups (sodium phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, and glucose) exhibited intriguing phenomena: quasi-stable films, solutal Marangoni-driven fluid influx increasing film thickness, and viscous fingering due to Saffman–Taylor instability. These observations are rationalized by the association of salt solutions with increased surface tension and the propensity of hydroxyl-group-containing solutes to engage in significant hydrogen bonding, altering local viscosity. This creates a viscosity contrast between the bulk buffer solution and the film region. Moreover, these solutes shield the glass dome, counteracting sodium chloride crystallization. These insights not only advance our understanding of tear film mechanics but also pave the way for predictive diagnostics in dry eye syndrome, offering a robust platform for personalized medical interventions based on individual tear film composition.