FDA Comment 1: Conduct an analysis of the clonality of the master cell bank using a suitable method such as “Next Genetation Sequencing”.
FDA Comment 2: Conduct studies to further characterize the master cell bank (MCB) and to support the monoclonality of the MCB.
常规的单克隆化方法如有限稀释法、成像法等对于单克隆性具有一定的概率性,因此BLA前需要通过进一步的检测手段为细胞的单克隆性提供支持性依据。常用的检测手段包括FDA comment中提到的二代测序(NGS,Next Genetation Sequencing)以及荧光原位杂交技术(fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)等。
FDA Comment 1: Develop and validate a product-specific host cell protein (HCP) assay that has improved sensitivity and capability to detect a greater range of potential HCPs compared to the current assay and to implement this assay for drug substance release. The analytical procedure, validation report, proposed acceptance criterion, and data used to set the proposed acceptance criterion should be submitted.
FDA Comment 2: To assess the coverage of the host cell protein (HCP) assay to confirm sensitivity. The assessment should be conducted using 2D SDS-PAGE gels of the range of HCPs detected by a sensitive protein stain, such as silver stain, compared to the range detected by western blot analysis using the antibodies employed in the assays or an assay that is demonstrated to be equally or more sensitive than western blot. The approximate percentage of HCP impurities that are recognized by the HCP antibodies will be provided from an appropriate number of drug substance lots. The validation data and updated to the drug substance control strategy, if applicable, will be provided in the final report to the BLA.
解读:在早期临床阶段,商业化的HCP试剂盒被广泛使用;但临床3期及之后的阶段,根据USP<1132>,建议使用平台型(platform)或上游工艺专属型(upstream process-specific)试剂盒,替换的主要目的正如FDA comment里提到的,“improved sensitivity and capability to detect a greater range of potential HCPs”。当然,试剂盒的替换需要进行桥接试验研究。
同时,根据USP<1132>,需要对HCP试剂盒的覆盖率进行评估,评估方法包括两种:2-D SDS-PAGE/Western blot和Immunoaffinity binding/1- or 2-D SDS-PAGE,两种方法的优缺点在USP<1132>中有详细介绍。关于覆盖率的可接受标准,目前国内外法规均未明确,一般业内建议是不低于70%。
FDA Comment 1: To develop an endotoxin method for the drug product which mitigates the low endotoxin recovery (LER) effect, to submit method qualification results with three lots of drug product and provide results of an LER study performed with the updated method with three lots of drug product.
FDA Comment 2: Conduct a low endotoxin recovery (LER) study using an appropriate container (e.g., no endotoxin absorption or interference) to hold spiked drug product with either RSE or CSE (5-10 EU/ml) for 7 days. Samples should be tested using the LAL assay daily during the hold time, and recoveries should be calculated using the nominal spike values or the LRW spiked control at time 0.
FDA Comment 1: To conduct studies to confirm clearance of process related impurities from the commercial scale drug substance manufacturing process and a risk assessment for the residual levels of impurities on patient safety. The results from these studies and risk assessment will be provided in the final report to the BLA.
解读:在BLA阶段,需要对产品相关杂质和工艺相关杂质进行全面的分析。产品相关杂质包括分子大小变体、电荷变体、疏水性变体、结构变体、翻译后修饰变体等,应对这些杂质进行定性和定量分析,明确降解机制,并评价其对产品安全、有效性的影响;对于工艺相关杂质,需分析生产工艺能否可将相关杂质去除或降低至可接受水平;对于非生物学活性的工艺组分杂质(如甲氨蝶呤、消泡剂等小分子和合成的大分子杂质),可以采用杂质安全因子(impurity safety factor, ISF)或杂质日暴露剂量(permitted daily exposure, PDE)对其进行评估;生物学活性杂质如HCD、Protein A等一般采用缩小规模的加标试验论证工艺的杂质可去除性。
FDA Comment 1: Implement a drug product release specification for deliverable volume (e.g., according to USP<697>).
FDA Comment 2: Implement 100% of the labeled concentration prior to vial fill. Include “gross content of protein content per vial” in the drug product release specification to control the total amount in the final vial.
解读:2022年1月,FDA生效了MAPP 5019.1 Rev 1 Allowable Excess Volume/Content in Injectable Drug and Biological Products,该指南专门针对西林瓶(vial)装制品,包括NDAs、BLAs、ANDAs,也建议IND申办方尽量早的运用该指南,不得晚于Phase 2。该指南的目的是帮助药学质量审评员确认注射剂产品的过量灌装量是否合理,在该指南中明确指出,下表中的项目应该被包含在制剂的质量标准中。
FDA Comment 1: Establish a two-tiered reference material system by qualifying a primary reference standards (PRS) lot against current reference standard batch. The final qualification reports for the PRS will be submitted to the BLA.
FDA Comment 2: To establish a working reference standard (WRS) and qualify this WRS against the current primary reference standard (PRS). Once the WRS is established, the qualification data for the first WRS together with a WRS requalification protocol specifying how subsequent working reference standards will be qualified will be submitted. The WRS will be created from a representative DS batch which has passed all release specifications. The WRS will be qualified according to a predefined protocol using a statistically derived replication strategy for key attributes in addition to a panel of extended characterization methods.
FDA Comment 3: To scale-up the reference material batch size to generate a sufficient quantity of each reference material lot to prevent frequent replacement of the reference material.
BLA申报资料中关于一级参比品和工作参比品的提交要求,可参考FDA指南 For the submission of chemistry, manufacturing, and controls information for a therapeutic recombinant DNA-derived product or a monoclonal antibody product for in vivo use中的具体资料要求。
FDA Comment 1: Submit bioburden method verification data with testing volume of 100 mL for three drug product batches.
FDA Comment 2: Conduct the bioburden and endotoxin test method qualification of drug substance using two additional batches.
FDA Comment 3: Conduct the sterility and endotoxin test method qualification of drug product using two additional batches.
解读:对于内毒素的方法确认,中美药典中均指明了待确认样品的批次,如中国药典中指出“建立品种的细菌内毒素检查法时,为验证样品和不同生产厂家鲎试剂反应的一致性,应使用两个生产厂家的鲎试剂对至少三批样品进行干扰试验”;而USP<1085>中也提到“Products with greater variability in their starting material, API, and manufacturing process will typically require more than three lots for suitability testing, whereas for products with little or no process or product variability three lots may suffice”.
对于无菌和微生物负载的方法确认,在USP<1227>中,也有“Each validation run should be performed independently at least three times”描述,且结合FDA comments,对于原液和制剂的无菌、微生物负载的方法确认,同样是要求申请人采用3批样品进行。
FDA Comment 1: To complete investigations into the root-cause, prevalence and size distribution of the visible particles in your clinical, PPQ, and commercial drug substance lots, and based on these investigations, to propose a control strategy for visible particles in your final drug substance to ensure the drug product will be “free from visible particles”.
FDA Comment 1: Perform a leachable study to evaluate the drug product container closure system through the end of shelf-life when stored under the recommended conditions. Testing will be performed at regular intervals and will include appropriate methods to detect, identify, and quantify organic non-volatile (e.g., HPLC-UV-MS), volatile (e.g., headspace GC-MS) and semi-volatile (e.g., GC-MS) species and metals (e.g., ICP-MS). Study results will be updated annually in the BLA Annual Report. The complete data and risk evaluation for potential impact of leachables on product safety and quality will be submitted to the BLA.
FDA Comment 2: To perform extractables/leachables studies and risk assessments to evaluate leachables from the container closure system(s) and manufacturing product conduct surfaces of drug substance and drug product and assess the potential impact of leachables on product quality at the end of the drug product shelf-life. The analyses will be performed using drug substance and drug product lot(s) and/or representative samples analyzed at appropriate time points, including at the end of drug product shelf life. Appropriate methods will be used to detect, identify, and quantify organic non-volatile, volatile and semi-volatile species, and metals. Characterization of the potential impact on product quality will be assessed using adequate analytical methods. Complete data and the risk evaluation for the potential impact of leachables on product safety and quality will be provided in the final report.
解读:包材相容性试验的考察目的是为了确认在拟定的有效期内,药品与内包材的相容性,避免因包装容器可能导致的安全性风险。国内,对于生物制品的包材相容性,可参考化学药品相关指导原则;国外,如USP <1660>、USP <1661>、USP <1663>以及USP <1664>以及EP<3.1.9>等均是包材相容性试验研究的参考(具体指南可参见下表)。
FDA Comment 1: To perform a shipping validation study under real time shipping conditions (i.e., temperature, mode of transport, shipping duration, and shipping containers and packing representative of the minimum and maximum load) using a representative commercial drug product lot in the final commercial container closure and packaging systems to evaluate the ability of the shipping containers to maintain the recommended temperature and to evaluate the impact of shipping from the labeling and packaging site to the US Distribution Center on the physical integrity and product quality of drug product. The shipping validation data will be submitted.
FDA Comment 2: To perform commercial shipping studies to qualify the actual shipping conditions for the drug product (prefilled pen). The commercial shipping studies will include:
a. Product quality assessment on commercial drug product in the commercial container closure system, fully packaged (primary and secondary packaging, etc.) before and after real-time shipping to evaluate the effect of handling and shipping conditions on product quality.
b. Analytical testing to evaluate impact on critical quality attributes (CQAs) during shipping. Justification for the selected CQAs will be provided.
c. Evaluation of container closure integrity to ensure the maintenance of sterile barrier using an appropriate method (e.g., dye ingress).
d. Device functionality tests to demonstrate that the shipping conditions do not adversely impact the integrity and functionality of the device.
e. Temperature monitoring of the shipping container (external and internal temperatures) recorded continuously throughout shipping from thermal couple probes placed inside and outside of the shipping container.
FDA comment 3: To conduct a study to demonstrate that the pre-filled syringe plunger movement during air transport does not impact product sterility.
FDA Comment 1: Confirm that there is no significant growth of organisms at 2-8°C in the drug product diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% dextrose by performing microbiological challenge studies with diverse microorganisms to support the 24-hour storage time. Your study should include Gram-negative microorganisms (such as E. coli and/or E. cloacae) which are known to proliferate in these solutions. The challenge studied should include at a minimum time points at twice the label claim storage time.
FDA Comment 2: Provide microbial hold time data in a microbial challenge study to support the total in-use time (storage and infusion time) of diluted drug product in 5% Dextrose Injection beyond 4-hours at ambient temperature. The study should be conducted for twice the worst-case in-use time and bracketing the drug product concentrations that would be administered to patients. The study should also be representative of the in-use conditions; for example, neonates may be kept at temperature above 20-25°C during infusion and the higher temperatures should be simulated in the study supporting in-use conditions.
FDA Comment 1: Perform the microbial ingress container closure integrity test to validate the maximum and minimum crimping pressures and include a positive control with a breach size of ≤ 20 microns. In addition, monitor the viability of the challenge microorganism at the end of testing.
FDA Comment 2: Implement annual container closure integrity testing (CCIT) in lieu of sterility testing in the stability program for drug product and submit the CCIT method validation report. The CCIT method validation should demonstrate that the assay is sensitive enough to detect breaches that could allow microbial ingress.
而FDA指南Container and Closure System Integrity Testing in Lieu of Sterility Testing as a Component of the Stability Protocol for Sterile Products里也同样阐明了上述观点,且USP<1207>详细的阐述了包装系统密封性的各检查方法的具体验证信息。
杭州皓阳生物技术有限公司成立于2015年,专注于为客户提供抗体、融合蛋白、ADC类产品从早期成药性评估、 IND药学研究到商业化生产的一站式研发、生产服务。服务内容包括:早期成药性评估,稳定细胞株构建,抗体及ADC工艺开发,中试生产和IND申报,临床样品生产,工艺表征、验证和商业化生产,培养基开发定制开发等。
皓阳生物致力于通过帮助新药研发来推动生物医药领域的进步,实现创新为民、科技惠民的目标。公司立足中国,实践 “聆听 深耕 开拓 共赢”的企业精神,努力打造一个行业地位突出,管理先进的现代化企业。更多详情请访问公司官网:www.hs-biopharm.com
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立迪生物 | 森西赛智 | 汇芯生物 | 申科生物 | 方拓生物 | 东抗生物 | 科盛达 | 依利特 | 翊曼生物丨锐拓生物丨复百澳生物丨圆因生物丨普洛斯丨华润三九丨皓阳生物丨人福医药丨广生堂药业丨澳宗生物丨妙顺生物 | 荣捷生物丨行诚生物 | 宜联生物 | 生命资本 | 恒诺康丨益诺思 | 深圳细胞谷丨佰诺达生物 | 沃臻生物 | 金仪盛世 | 朗信生物 | 亦笙科技 | 中健云康 | 九州通 | 劲帆医药 | 沙砾生物 | 裕策生物 | 同立海源 | 药明生基 | 奥浦迈 | 原启生物 | 百力司康 | 宁丹新药 | 上海细胞治疗集团 | 滨会生物 | FTA | 派真生物 | 希济生物 | 优睿赛思 | 血霁生物 | 优睿生物 | 邦耀生物 | 华大基因 | 银诺生物 | 百林科医药 | 纳微科技 | 可瑞生物 | 夏尔巴生物 | 金斯瑞蓬勃生物 | 健元医药 | 星眸生物 | 格兰科医药 | 莱羡科学仪器 | 明度智云 | 玮驰仪器 | 康源久远 | 易慕峰 | 茂行生物 | 济民可信 | 欣协生物 | 泰楚生物 | 泰澧生物 | 谱新生物 | 思鹏生物 | 领诺医药 | 宜明生物 | 爱科瑞思 | 阿思科力 | 博格隆生物 | 百吉生物 | 迈邦生物 | 多宁生物 | 万邦医药 | ASCT | 为度生物 | 比邻星创投 | 赛桥生物 | 吉美瑞生 | 荣泽生物 | 科金生物 | 汉超医药 | 康日百奥 | 汉腾生物 | 力品药业 | 安必生 | 博瑞策生物 | 中盛溯源 | 深研生物 | 东方略 | 赛赋医药 | 克睿基因 | 安润医药 | 镁伽科技 | 科锐迈德 | 和元生物 | 申基生物 |楷拓生物| 森松生命科技 | 凯理斯 | 尚德药缘 | 晟国医药 | 健新原力 | 纽福斯 | 华东医药 | 士泽生物 | 影研医疗科技 | 新格元生物 | 依生生物 | 腾迈医药 | 汉欣医药 | 恒驭生物 | 盛诺基 | 序祯达生物 | 乐纯生物 | 速石科技 | 耀海生物 | 新合生物 | 华龛生物 | 恺佧生物 | 成都凡微析 | 正帆科技 | 大橡科技 | 博雅辑因 | 因美纳 | 博雅控股集团 | 近岸蛋白 | 依科赛生物 | 利穗科技 | 东南科仪 | 倍谙基 | 辉诺医药 | 圣诺制药 | 埃格林医药 | 科镁信 | 爱思益普 | 复星医药 | 齐鲁制药 | 捷思英达丨荣昌生物丨泽璟制药丨奕安济世丨礼新医药丨维立志博丨派格生物丨赛生药业丨呈源生物丨启德医药丨双运生物丨宝船生物丨曙方医药丨澳斯康生物丨普莱医药丨维健医药丨海昶生物丨征祥医药丨智核生物丨望石智慧丨博生吉医药丨南京诺丹丨四星玻璃丨艾米能斯丨霁因生物丨普瑞康生物丨映恩生物丨康哲生物丨霍德生物丨海慈药业丨沃生生物丨睿健医药丨矩阵元丨斯微生物丨则正医药丨预立创投丨东立创新丨博安生物丨伟德杰生物丨星奕昂生物丨耀乘健康科技丨琅钰集团丨康德弘翼 | 原力生命科学丨上海科洲丨特瑞思丨药源丨健艾仕生物丨冠科美博丨微境生物丨天境生物丨合源生物丨泛生子丨创胜集团丨加科思药业丨丹诺医药丨凌科药业丨偶领生物丨凯斯艾生物丨成都圣诺丨松禾资本丨清普生物丨和其瑞丨开拓药业丨科兴制药丨玉森新药丨水木未来丨分享投资丨植德律所丨奥来恩丨乐明药业丨东曜药业丨君圣泰丨海创药业丨天汇资本丨再鼎医药丨济煜医药丨百英生物丨基石药业丨君实生物丨Sirnaomics,Inc.丨亦诺微丨博腾股份丨思路迪诊断丨艾博生物丨普瑞金生物丨未知君生物丨尚健生物丨阿诺医药丨有临医药丨赛业生物丨睿智医药丨博济医药丨晶泰科技丨药明康德丨创志科技丨奥星集团丨苏雅医药丨科贝源丨合全药业丨以岭药业丨科睿唯安丨DRG丨博瑞医药丨丽珠医药丨信立泰药业丨步长制药丨华素制药丨众生药业丨上海医药丨高博医疗集团丨药渡丨君联资本丨集萃药康丨诺思格丨精鼎医药丨百利药业丨Pfizer CentreOne丨默克中国创新中心丨奥来恩丨瑞博生物丨新通药物丨广东中润丨医普科诺丨诺唯赞丨康利华丨国信医药丨昆翎丨博纳西亚丨缔脉丨一品红丨和泽医药丨博志研新丨凯莱英医药丨汉佛莱丨英派药业丨京卫制药丨海思科药业丨宏韧医药丨开心生活科技丨哈三联丨Premier Research丨宣泰医药丨先声药业丨海金格丨普瑞盛医药丨Informa丨科特勒丨谋思医药丨HLT丨莱佛士丨辉瑞丨科林利康丨冠科生物丨科文斯丨卫信康丨龙沙(Lonza)丨美迪西丨阳光诺和丨润东医药丨勃林格殷格翰(中国)丨艾苏莱生物丨领晟医疗丨驯鹿医疗丨燃石医学丨中肽生化丨鸿运华宁丨泰格医药丨易迪希丨希麦迪丨百奥赛图丨迪纳利丨青云瑞晶丨鼎丰生科资本丨中源协和丨维亚生物丨青松医药丨中科谱研丨长风药业丨艾欣达伟丨鼎康生物丨中晟全肽丨海步医药丨勤浩医药丨奥萨医药丨太美医疗科技丨生特瑞丨东富龙丨Cytiva丨优辰实验室丨苏桥生物丨君达合创丨澎立生物丨南京澳健丨南京科默丨东阳光丨亚盛医药丨杰克森实验室丨上海科州丨三优生物丨三迭纪丨泰诺麦博丨Cell Signaling Technology丨PPC佳生丨澳斯康丨先为达丨智享生物丨锐得麦丨宜明昂科丨明济生物丨英百瑞丨六合宁远丨天津天诚丨百拓生物丨星药科技丨亓上生物丨真实生物丨引光医药丨方达医药丨高博医疗集团丨赞荣医药丨国投创新丨药明生物丨康哲药业丨高特佳投资丨普瑞基准丨臻格生物丨微谱医药丨和玉资本 | 倚锋资本