Lifesum unveils the 5 best diet changes to improve mental health

LOS ANGELES, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A leading nutritionist at Lifesum, the global healthy eating platform, has unveiled the 5 best diet changes to improve mental health.
Poor mental health cost the US economy $193.2 billion (source) and the global economy $1 trillion (source), considering factors such as lost productivity, absenteeism and turnover.
And mental health is a significant challenge for Gen Z and Millennials. In a recent Lifesum survey, 81% of Gen Z and Millennials said they would quit their jobs tomorrow due to stress, and 48% said that work-related stress affected their personal lives (source).
"Many people don't realise the link between food and mental wellbeing," said Signe Svanfeldt, lead nutritionist at Lifesum. "A nutritious, balanced diet positively impacts our energy and mood, as well as our gut microbiota, which influences our mental wellbeing."
Lifesum has unveiled the 5 best diet changes to improve mental health:
Increase Prebiotic Intake
Including pre and probiotics have been found to have a positive impact on mental health by reducing inflammation and making more neurotransmitters like serotonin, a "happy hormone" that regulates mood and reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety (source). These include:
Vegetables, including broccoli, spinach, and carrots
Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice
2. Eat More Probiotic-Rich Foods
Probiotics regulate the composition and activity of gut microbiome, which can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety (source). Examples include:
Sauerkraut and other types of fermented cabbage
Some dairy products, including kefir and yogurt
3. Increase Omega-3 Fats
Omega-3 fats reduce inflammation in the brain linked to mood disorders like depression and anxiety, thereby improving mental wellbeing (source). These include:
Seeds, including flaxseed and chia seeds
4. Consume More Polyphenols
Polyphenols promote healthy blood flow to the brain and can protect it from oxidative stress and inflammation, increasing overall mental well-being (source). Examples include:
Fruit like apples, grapes, and kiwi
Nuts, including walnuts, hazelnuts, and pecans
5. Increase Your Complex Carbs
Complex carbohydrates may support gut health, digestion and provide our bodies with essential nutrients which can help reduce symptoms of anxiety (source). These include:
Whole grains, including oats, barley, and buckwheat
Root vegetables like sweet potatoes, beet root, carrots, and parsnip
SOURCE Lifesum