Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson offloads two portfolios to German pharma company in continued effort to prune products

Sanofi warned earlier this year that some serious cuts were in order. CEO Paul Hudson made good on that promise this week, pruning more than a dozen marketed products. Germany-based Neuraxpharm revealed yesterday that it struck a deal for Sanofi’s CNS and pain and vascular disease portfolios. While the companies are keeping the financial terms under wraps for now, Neuraxpharm did say it’s swallowing 17 products representing 38 brands, including neuroleptics Nozinan and Tiapridal, anxiety med Tranxene and antipsychotics Dogmatil and Largactil. Within the pain and vascular portfolio, Neuraxpharm is getting pain narcotic Topalgic and Trental, which is used to improve blood flow. Neuraxpharm expects that the new products will boost sales to about $600 million this year. “There is significant growth potential in the pharmaceutical sector, especially in the CNS market driven by an aging population and an increasing awareness of mental health,” CEO Jörg-Thomas Dierks said in a news release. “With the upcoming acquisition, we will not only strengthen our presence in Europe, but also lay the ground for further expanding our international presence.” The new drugs will contribute to a portfolio of CNS drugs, as well as generics and consumer healthcare products such as nutraceuticals and probiotics, according to Neuraxpharm’s website. The company has main offices in Germany and Spain, with additional locations throughout Europe. Hudson has been on a mission to reshape Sanofi since he took the helm in 2019. He said earlier this year that nothing is off the table when it comes to restructuring, and has already culled a handful of programs. During the Q1 call, EVP of general medicines Olivier Charmeil said the company is looking to shave the general medicines unit down to about 125 product families, either by divesting or discontinuing programs. That’s a big difference from late 2019 and early 2020, when the unit boasted more than 350 product families. The company also revealed in its Q4 results that it plans on axing about 6,000 jobs in an effort to become more “agile.” Execs said at the time that they were aiming for a headcount of around 90,000 by the end of the year.