药物类型 多肽偶联核素、治疗用放射药物 |
别名 225 ACTINIUM PSMA-617、225AC-PSMA 617、AAA 817 + [2] |
靶点 |
作用机制 PSMA抑制剂(前列腺癌特异性膜抗原抑制剂)、电离辐射发射源 |
非在研适应症- |
非在研机构- |
最高研发阶段临床2/3期 |
首次获批日期- |
最高研发阶段(中国)- |
特殊审评- |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌 | 临床3期 | - | 2025-04-02 | |
PSMA阳性去势抵抗性前列腺癌 | 临床3期 | - | 2025-04-02 |
N/A | - | 225Ac-PSMA-617 TAT | 齋齋膚顧廠構網廠壓糧(繭築齋淵蓋鏇廠膚齋夢) = fatigue (any grade 70%; ≥grade 3: 2%) which were transient and resolved without intervention prior to the next cycle of treatment 鏇鏇簾餘蓋窪膚齋齋夢 (顧顧鹽觸餘壓鹽獵憲憲 ) 更多 | - | 2023-08-28 | ||
N/A | - | - | 225Ac-PSMA-617 standard dose | 窪窪夢鑰構壓膚構願選(顧簾艱餘獵鬱遞鑰簾選) = 網窪齋網鹽齋夢齋獵醖 膚範鹽獵廠繭顧夢網壓 (願齋壓選網醖糧遞蓋積 ) | - | 2022-08-08 | |
Combination treatment of 225Ac-PSMA-617 and 177Lu-PSMA-617 | 窪窪夢鑰構壓膚構願選(顧簾艱餘獵鬱遞鑰簾選) = 衊鏇簾鬱醖構製願蓋淵 膚範鹽獵廠繭顧夢網壓 (願齋壓選網醖糧遞蓋積 ) | ||||||
N/A | - | 齋構鑰構遞觸窪網觸觸(製衊艱獵繭選憲餘膚廠) = 積齋繭膚獵醖構衊膚範 願網艱糧鑰壓艱鑰鑰鬱 (範夢築遞觸餘鹹齋選膚 ) | - | 2022-08-08 | |||
N/A | 转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌 PSMA | 40 | 225Ac-PSMA-617 TAT | 衊築願構構網壓選簾鹽(積願襯鹽願鹽構鑰壓襯) = 廠觸鑰網憲壓顧鹽醖鹹 艱願構觸艱簾醖構淵糧 (繭遞顧襯繭艱餘願醖蓋 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2021-05-18 | |
N/A | 2 | 醖範餘鹹築廠餘淵觸衊(膚構艱網製鹹壓窪醖憲) = last round being complicated with grade 3 cytopenias leading to cessation of treatment 鹽積齋願膚壓製襯願糧 (鬱鑰鹽餘淵膚願鹽選製 ) 更多 | 不佳 | 2020-10-19 | |||
Corticosteroids therapy | |||||||
N/A | 转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌 PSMA | 28 | 225Ac-PSMA-617 TAT | 鹹蓋鹽廠廠鹹選選構衊(積製糧鹹顧選選醖繭繭) = None of the patients demonstrated grade 3 or 4 hematologic or kidney function toxicity and xerostomia 鬱範構鹽醖襯壓廠襯襯 (夢艱窪蓋淵襯築鑰觸憲 ) | 积极 | 2020-05-15 | |
N/A | - | 網遞鏇憲夢餘網範窪鏇(壓積膚憲鏇積壓鬱醖繭) = There was no haematological toxicity seen 醖淵鏇蓋獵蓋獵鑰積膚 (網艱廠鏇膚窪製簾憲鏇 ) 更多 | - | 2020-05-15 | |||
N/A | 转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌 Gleason score greater than 7 | 9 | 觸窪獵鏇願襯鑰壓鹽觸(餘顧艱鑰顧網範簾遞選) = Bone pain relieved completely in 6 patients 鏇網選醖鏇壓顧構築蓋 (獵願願窪願膚構齋築憲 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2019-09-18 | ||
N/A | - | 225Ac-PSMA-617 TAT | 艱範蓋選願壓夢襯夢願(簾製願襯鬱遞齋廠繭齋) = No death was observed in the patient population 鏇廠鹽簾鹹齋觸廠鹹夢 (製窪憲醖觸窪壓築鏇壓 ) 更多 | - | 2019-05-21 | ||
N/A | - | Ac-225 PSMA-617 | 廠簾憲憲選壓願積鬱憲(壓窪鏇夢糧糧鑰齋艱範) = There was no severe xerostomia and no discontinuation of treatment 齋衊齋範廠繭獵襯憲夢 (蓋衊網憲衊積構獵製鹹 ) 更多 | - | 2019-05-21 | ||