别名 ARH6、ARHB、h6 + [9] |
简介 Mediates apoptosis in neoplastically transformed cells after DNA damage. Not essential for development but affects cell adhesion and growth factor signaling in transformed cells. Plays a negative role in tumorigenesis as deletion causes tumor formation. Involved in intracellular protein trafficking of a number of proteins. Targets PKN1 to endosomes and is involved in trafficking of the EGF receptor from late endosomes to lysosomes. Also required for stability and nuclear trafficking of AKT1/AKT which promotes endothelial cell survival during vascular development. Serves as a microtubule-dependent signal that is required for the myosin contractile ring formation during cell cycle cytokinesis. Required for genotoxic stress-induced cell death in breast cancer cells. |
靶点 |
作用机制 RHOB抑制剂 |
在研机构- |
在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段无进展 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |