别名 HYKPP、HYPP、Nav1.4 + [10] |
简介 Pore-forming subunit of a voltage-gated sodium channel complex through which Na(+) ions pass in accordance with their electrochemical gradient. Alternates between resting, activated and inactivated states (PubMed:12766226, PubMed:29992740, PubMed:30190309, PubMed:15318338, PubMed:16890191, PubMed:18690054, PubMed:17898326, PubMed:19347921, PubMed:25707578, PubMed:26700687). Required for normal muscle fiber excitability, normal muscle contraction and relaxation cycles, and constant muscle strength in the presence of fluctuating K(+) levels (PubMed:12766226, PubMed:15318338, PubMed:16890191, PubMed:19347921, PubMed:25707578, PubMed:26700687, PubMed:26659129). |
靶点 |
作用机制 SCN4A阻滞剂 |
在研机构- |
原研机构 |
在研适应症- |
非在研适应症 |
最高研发阶段终止 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
靶点 |
作用机制 SCN4A阻滞剂 |
在研机构- |
在研适应症- |
非在研适应症 |
最高研发阶段无进展 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
开始日期2018-01-30 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2013-05-01 |
开始日期2005-05-01 |
申办/合作机构 |