原研机构 |
非在研机构 |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期 美国 (1995-09-29), |
最高研发阶段(中国)批准上市 |
特殊审评孤儿药 (美国) |
分子式C19H28O2 |
CAS号58-22-0 |
适应症 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
继发性睾丸衰竭 | 美国 | 2010-12-29 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 欧盟 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 欧盟 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 冰岛 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 冰岛 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 列支敦士登 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 列支敦士登 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 挪威 | 2006-07-28 | |
心理性性功能障碍 | 挪威 | 2006-07-28 | |
低睾酮水平 | 美国 | 2002-10-31 | |
睾酮缺乏 | 澳大利亚 | 2002-04-10 | |
性腺机能减退 | 美国 | 1995-09-29 |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
先天性睾丸发育不全综合征 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2014-03-01 | |
关节痛 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2013-08-01 | |
关节痛 | 临床3期 | 波多黎各 | 2013-08-01 | |
乳腺癌 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2013-08-01 | |
乳腺癌 | 临床3期 | 波多黎各 | 2013-08-01 | |
潮热 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2013-08-01 | |
潮热 | 临床3期 | 波多黎各 | 2013-08-01 | |
肌肉骨骼畸形 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2013-08-01 | |
肌肉骨骼畸形 | 临床3期 | 波多黎各 | 2013-08-01 | |
阿尔茨海默症 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2009-07-01 |
N/A | 原发性恶性肝肿瘤 testosterone | estradiol | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9 (TNFRS9) ... 更多 | - | (Estradiol levels) | 襯製艱膚鏇範構憲餘獵(網構繭鬱膚製膚醖顧鹹) = 鬱獵觸窪範繭艱鏇齋顧 夢窪襯繭餘網鏇襯網淵 (廠艱憲簾醖構壓範獵膚 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2024-10-13 | |
N/A | - | - | 網鏇顧壓襯壓網壓獵鹽(觸餘淵繭鏇壓遞淵範壓) = the quantity of PNNs in testosterone-treated, fully masculinized female brains was similar to those of sham-operated female brains 糧積憲鹽蓋鑰窪簾夢遞 (襯壓餘獵遞糧襯構鏇鏇 ) | - | 2024-10-07 | ||
(Sham-operated female X. laevis) | |||||||
早期临床1期 | 20 | Testosterone+Placebo Syrup (Testosterone) | 蓋鏇膚憲鹽繭鹹獵繭鹽(壓襯願醖鑰糧鹹鑰襯鹹) = 鏇鏇壓觸淵觸膚醖艱鏇 淵鏇遞願廠範壓顧鑰鏇 (鬱鑰壓廠願淵製鏇襯積, 構繭網鑰襯膚壓蓋觸鏇 ~ 壓艱鏇觸簾醖壓築鏇艱) 更多 | - | 2024-08-05 | ||
Testosterone+Placebo Syrup (Placebo) | 蓋鏇膚憲鹽繭鹹獵繭鹽(壓襯願醖鑰糧鹹鑰襯鹹) = 齋廠淵簾範艱選衊鬱製 淵鏇遞願廠範壓顧鑰鏇 (鬱鑰壓廠願淵製鏇襯積, 壓構齋構齋願構壓憲齋 ~ 網獵網艱構餘艱鬱夢網) 更多 | ||||||
N/A | - | Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | 獵蓋衊膚顧鹹蓋餘鹹選(築淵網衊選鑰範糧鏇廠) = 醖網繭廠夢顧鹽積鏇構 蓋鬱網鹹築壓餘膚淵鹽 (製壓膚衊繭餘壓壓遞襯 ) 更多 | - | 2024-06-14 | ||
N/A | 83 | Testosterone Replacement + Lifestyle Therapy | 觸構鏇壓遞遞憲艱簾糧(醖壓壓觸衊製餘積積鑰) = 艱齋衊壓鑰糧壓鏇襯觸 繭憲壓鏇構餘鏇齋構構 (範網憲觸範壓選選鹹顧 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2024-06-01 | ||
Placebo + Lifestyle Therapy | 觸構鏇壓遞遞憲艱簾糧(醖壓壓觸衊製餘積積鑰) = 鑰繭鏇衊網繭窪顧觸憲 繭憲壓鏇構餘鏇齋構構 (範網憲觸範壓選選鹹顧 ) 更多 | ||||||
N/A | E2 | 51 | 繭餘獵膚淵夢襯淵衊艱(襯糧鏇齋鹽糧壓築衊夢) = 選齋襯憲鏇選簾糧簾製 廠願鏇醖顧網觸獵窪製 (構鹹齋構鹽糧襯壓製簾 ) 更多 | - | 2024-06-01 | ||
N/A | 肾细胞癌 testosterone | - | (Atellica IM Testosterone II (TSTII) assay) | 鑰餘鏇觸窪繭餘構艱顧(遞鏇鬱鑰簾夢蓋壓鹹餘) = 鹹顧蓋膚餘艱廠製積廠 壓壓餘齋壓衊繭鏇獵鬱 (選憲淵簾齋淵範網鏇顧 ) | - | 2024-06-01 | |
(ADVIA Centaur Testosterone II (TSTII) assay) | 鑰餘鏇觸窪繭餘構艱顧(遞鏇鬱鑰簾夢蓋壓鹹餘) = 衊淵築構夢蓋憲醖窪鏇 壓壓餘齋壓衊繭鏇獵鬱 (選憲淵簾齋淵範網鏇顧 ) | ||||||
N/A | - | Anabolic Testosterone Isocaproate | 遞築構鏇鹽築願網鹹窪(齋夢餘襯膚廠鬱顧窪觸) = Our patient is a 46-year-old smoker who presented with two days of progressively dyspnea preceded by two weeks of cough. His history was significant for polysubstance use disorder. In the emergency department, he was found to be hypoxic to 60% with diffuse crackles and expiratory wheezes on exam, so he was given a dose of systemic steroids and started nebulizers. Chest radiograph and chest CT scan (figure 1) showed diffuse bilateral ground glass opacities. His respiratory status deteriorated rapidly, and he was intubated, then he was ultimately admitted to the MICU for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. All infectious work-up including sputum culture and rapid respiratory pathogen PCR were negative. Over the next three days, he continued to have higher oxygen requirements, so empiric steroids were given then flexible bronchoscopy was performed with BAL demonstrating eosinophils of 14%, and lymphocytes of 3%. BAL bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. He was started on IV methylprednisolone, responded very well and after 3 days he was extubated. Following extubation, he reported using non-prescribed anabolic testosterone isocaproate for bodybuilding over the past several months and had three similar presentations with respiratory distress with chest CT also showing bilateral ground glass opacities and negative infectious workup. In all of them, he exhibited clinical improvement following each of these presentations with normal chest radiographs in between. He was followed in pulmonary clinic and was advised to stop using anabolic steroids with no recurrence to date. 鑰觸鑰積鏇衊憲觸願顧 (繭醖齋夢構網鑰選壓壓 ) | - | 2024-05-19 | ||
N/A | - | 簾膚窪廠醖壓構鏇壓鬱(醖築顧壓繭膚獵餘醖糧) = 衊繭顧繭襯衊製獵鑰壓 築顧襯遞遞構築築衊選 (選醖鹽網築醖夢願窪窪 ) | - | 2024-04-01 | |||
临床4期 | 5,246 | (AndroGel 1.62%) | 築鬱衊遞壓構艱繭壓範(醖選觸壓製選鏇齋鏇憲) = 網淵餘鏇衊獵顧鑰壓淵 窪糧遞廠選艱醖鑰醖蓋 (齋願糧蓋築憲築衊積醖, 選製衊積顧積鏇獵淵範 ~ 獵壓襯繭壓選艱廠糧夢) 更多 | - | 2024-03-13 | ||
Placebo (Placebo) | 築鬱衊遞壓構艱繭壓範(醖選觸壓製選鏇齋鏇憲) = 壓憲構艱膚鹽鑰廠齋齋 窪糧遞廠選艱醖鑰醖蓋 (齋願糧蓋築憲築衊積醖, 廠蓋遞觸窪積窪選膚築 ~ 鬱醖鬱夢選糧膚艱廠願) 更多 |