别名 GDF-15、GDF15、growth differentiation factor 15 + [17] |
简介 Regulates food intake, energy expenditure and body weight in response to metabolic and toxin-induced stresses (PubMed:28953886, PubMed:28846097, PubMed:28846098, PubMed:28846099, PubMed:23468844, PubMed:29046435). Binds to its receptor, GFRAL, and activates GFRAL-expressing neurons localized in the area postrema and nucleus tractus solitarius of the brainstem (PubMed:28953886, PubMed:28846097, PubMed:28846098, PubMed:28846099). It then triggers the activation of neurons localized within the parabrachial nucleus and central amygdala, which constitutes part of the 'emergency circuit' that shapes feeding responses to stressful conditions (PubMed:28953886). On hepatocytes, inhibits growth hormone signaling (By similarity). |
靶点 |
作用机制 GDF15抑制剂 [+2] |
在研机构 CatalYm GmbH初创企业 |
原研机构 CatalYm GmbH初创企业 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段临床2期 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
靶点 |
作用机制 GDF15抑制剂 |
在研机构 |
原研机构 |
最高研发阶段临床2期 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
靶点 |
作用机制 GDF15抑制剂 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段临床1期 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
开始日期2023-09-06 |
申办/合作机构 CatalYm GmbH初创企业 |
开始日期2023-06-13 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2023-03-23 |
申办/合作机构 Pfizer Inc. [+2] |