The review starts by investigating the concepts that underpin the use of kombucha in electronic systems, such as its conducting properties, self-healing properties, and capacity to form long-lasting biofilms.The research explores the diverse uses of kombucha-based living electronics, including biosensors, biocomputing devices, energy harvesting systems, and flexible electronics.Proteinoids, a synthetic class of polypeptides, have attracted researchers′ interest because of their structural and functional analogies to natural proteins.This similarity offers numerous opportunities for their usage in diverse fields, such as the development of cutting-edge living electronic systems.This paper analyses the fundamental concepts of integrating proteinoids into living elec. systems, with a specific emphasis on their distinct structural and functional characteristics.The paper explores the possible uses of proteinoid-based electronics, including mol. switches, memory devices, and self-assembling nanostructures, emphasizing their superiority to traditional electronic components.Nevertheless, the incorporation of kombucha and proteinoids into living electronics presents several difficulties.These tech. challenges affect the production, durability, and expandability of these bio-hybrid systems.Furthermore, this article tackles concerns about biocompatibility, durability, and the necessity for standardised characterization methodologies.