Efficacy and Safety of Vaginal Suppositories Containing Combination of Natamycin and Lactulose in Treatment of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: International, Randomized, Controlled, Superiority Clinical Trial
The purpose is to study superior efficacy of combination of Natamycin and Lactulose (Natamycin 100 mg + Lactulose 300 mg vaginal suppositories) compared to Pimafucin (Natamycin 100 mg vaginal suppositories), or Lactulose 300 mg vaginal suppositories. The second objective of the study was to investigate the safety of the combination suppositories in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis in non-pregnant adult females.
Phase II Multicentered Randomized Open-label Study of Effectiveness and Safety of Lactofiltrum in Women With Bacterial Vaginosis
This is a phase II multicenter randomized open-label clinical study that will determine whether treatment with Lactofiltrum (orally administered tablets) in combination with antibiotic therapy (metronidazole) is effective in women with bacterial vaginosis. Lactofiltrum is a composite drug that includes enterosorbent lignin and prebiotic Lactulose. It's supposed that supplement of Lactofiltrum to a standard therapy of bacterial vaginosis (metronidazole administered orally) improves women's general state, leads to better recovery of clinical, microbiological, biochemical and histological features of the disease.
Phase II Double Blind Placebo-controled Randomized Comparative Multicentered Study of Efficacy and Safety of Filtrum-STI, 0,4g Tablets (Produced by AVVA RUS) in Children With Viral Gastroenteritis
This is a phase II double blind multicenter randomized placebo-controled clinical study aimed to find out whether treatment with Filtrum-STI (orally administered 0,4g tablets) is safe and effective in children with viral gastroenteritis. Filtrum-STI (lignin hydrolytic) is a drug with a high absorbing ability, that binds and eliminates toxins, pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Filtrum-STI is inoffensive for mucous membranes, enhances colonic propulsion and improves its natural microflora. The drug is not toxic and well combines with other medication
100 项与 Avva Rus, JSC 相关的临床结果
0 项与 Avva Rus, JSC 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Avva Rus, JSC 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Avva Rus, JSC 相关的转化医学