/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Context Interventions: Social Modeling and Initial Treatment Experience
In this experiment, the investigators study the brain pathways underlying several promising context interventions that enhance the strength of placebo effects. Specifically, the investigators examine the separate and joint effects of two of the most powerful context interventions: Social modeling-observing someone else being effectively treated-and prior treatment success or failure experiences. Participants will be randomized into 4 groups (Social modeling: observed success vs. observed failure and Conditioning: experienced success vs. experienced failure). The objectives are to investigate the placebo effect on pain relief and aversive image stimuli between and within-subjects. Each group will undergo a behavioral induction phase, fMRI placebo test phase, and an identical 3-month follow up fMRI placebo test phase. Follow-up assessment will provide some of the first evidence on predictors of the durability of placebo and context interventions.
/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Person by Situation Interaction: Matching Suggestions to Participants' Motivational Styles
This study examines the effects of placebo suggestions tailored to match or mismatch individual participants' motivational styles-an issue of person-situation 'fit' with important effects in public health settings, but which has been ignored in past research.
/ Not yet recruiting早期临床1期IIT The Role of the Opioid System in Placebo Effects on Pain and Social Rejection
The current study probes the involvement of the opioid system in placebo effects on social pain, using the opioid antagonist naloxone. 60 participants who recently experienced an unwanted breakup will experience rejection-related stimuli and receive painful heat and pressure stimuli during fMRI scanning. Participants will be randomized to receive either a naloxone or saline nasal spray, and be informed that the spray is either saline, or an effective pain and negative emotion reducing agent.
100 项与 Trustees of Dartmouth College 相关的临床结果
0 项与 Trustees of Dartmouth College 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Trustees of Dartmouth College 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Trustees of Dartmouth College 相关的转化医学