/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Retrospective Evaluation of the Tecnis Eyhance and OphthalmoPro Zoe Intraocular Lenses
The goal of this observational study is to assess distance and near visual acuity of patients who have undergone cataract surgery with two intraocular lenses (IOLs). The main outcomes are:
To assess distance and near visual acuity of patients who have undergone cataract surgery with two intraocular lenses (IOLs) To assess depth of focus of the IOLs To assess tilt and decentration of the IOLs
The potential participants will be chosen from the list of patients in the Southend NHS database who have had routine cataract surgery using the Zoe or Eyhance lenses in the past 12 months and contacted by phone and letter. The member of the ophthalmological team carrying out the screening will use the research inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify 50 potential participants. Once identified, the potential participants will be asked if they would be willing to discuss inclusion into the study with a member of the clinical care team (Prof Myerscough or Dr Law). If they agree, they will be asked to attend one further clinical visit.
They will be given a patient information sheet and consent form at this visit. All potential participants will be informed that participation in this research study will be entirely voluntary.
At the clinical visit participants will have their vision assessed, have dilating drops instilled, and undergo two non-invasive scans of their eyes.
/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Identification of Predictive Factors of Incidentally Detected Gallbladder Cancer and Prospective Validation of a Scoring System to Allow Selective Histological Analysis of the Gallbladder
The goal of this observational study is to identify risks factors for incidental (unexpected) gallbladder cancer in adult patients undergoing routine gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) for conditions such as gallstones or infection. The main question it aims to answer is:
Can the investigators use risk factors for incidental gallbladder cancer to develop a diagnostic score which could be used to stratify the risk of gallbladder cancer in patients undergoing routine cholecystectomy? Participants undergoing gallbladder surgery will be identified by surgical trainees and data will be collected about the patients, their tests and the findings at their operation. The surgical trainees will also collect the result of any laboratory tests on their gallbladder.
The study will occur in two stages - the first stage, called a feasibility phase, will test the study design and make sure that it is possible to collect the necessary information. If this stage is a success then information will be collected from as many as 30,000 patients.
There will also be an interview-based study running alongside the feasibility phase, which will explore perceptions of the risk of incidental gallbladder cancer in routine gallbladder surgery, and whether - with a good diagnostic score - it could be acceptable to only send high-risk gallbladder's for histopathology.
/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Investigating the Experiences of Generational Diversity Within the Medical Profession of the National Health Service: An Exploratory Study Amongst Post-Graduate Doctors in Training
The purpose of this work is to investigate how post-graduate doctors in training (PGDiTs) experience generational diversity with their colleagues in the workplace. The investigators want to explore and understand how PGDiTs perceive and experience generational diversity in the workplace and look into where these differences between generations could come from.
The research team wants to do this by running focus groups. These focus groups would be made up of PGDiTs that are working within one hospital. The doctors will be split into the different generations (i.e. generation X, Y and Z). A set list of questions will be used to prompt and guide the focus group conversations. Each focus group will be audio-recorded using an electronic device and then analysed with the aid of computer software. The investigators will then generate themes from the data and use this to create an overall story of the data.
It is hoped that this research can help inform supervisors and employers of the impact of generational diversity on on PGDiTs. This may be used to help develop ways of improving working relationships for PGDiTs with their supervisors and employers.
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100 项与 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 相关的转化医学