/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT Assessment At 4.5 Months of the Effect of a Dermatology-Oriented Spa Therapy on the Quality of Life of Patients with Psoriasis (BAREGES)
Evaluation of the effect of a dermatology-oriented spa therapy at 4.5 months on the quality of life of patients suffering from psoriasis
Evaluation of the Medical Benefit of a Spa Therapy on the Evolutionary Genius of Late Sequelae Fibrosis After Postoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer in Remission
FIBROTHERME is a comparative, controlled, randomized, multicenter and simple blinded (investigator) trial.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the medical benefit in terms of quality of life on the dermatological sequelae of fibrosis 6 months after a dermatologically oriented spa therapy in patients with severe late reactions affecting the skin and/or soft tissues at least 6 months after the end of postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer.
Determine the Proportion of Patients With Disabling Post Thrombotic Syndrome (Moderate or Severe) in the Long Term Within the Cohort of Patients Who Participated in the Trial CELEST Therapy.
The CELEST Long term is a prospective study, assessing the very long term risk of post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) in patients enrolled in the CELEST double-blind RCT. All patients enrolled in CELEST RCT will benefit from a 7-year follow-up visit conducted over the phone. The primary objective is to assess the proportion of patients with moderate-severe PTS assessed with the patient reported Villalta score and the 2 main secondary objectives are to assess predictors of moderate to severe PTS and the impact of initial compression stockings strength (25mmHg vs. 35mmHg) on the development of moderate-severe PTS. Up to 288 patients may participate.
The investigators believe that this study has the potential to significantly improve the knowledge on the epidemiology of burdensome PTS and on the impact of different initial compression stockings strengths on the risk of PTS.
100 项与 UGA Filiale SAS 相关的临床结果
0 项与 UGA Filiale SAS 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 UGA Filiale SAS 相关的药物交易
100 项与 UGA Filiale SAS 相关的转化医学