:Though population explosion is a major problem of the world today, infertility also exists
and needs attention. Understanding reproductive health, the menstrual cycle, and adopting natural
methods by couples can manage both fertility as well as infertility. During the preparation of
the present review article, several search engines, such as Research Gate, Google Scholar, shodhganga,
Scopus, emerging source citation index, chemical abstract services, academic journals
database, open access medical journals, scirus, journal informatics, and various referred and nonreferred
journals were used for the extraction of scientific information. Hence, this article has
been prepared meticulously, which would help married couples in adopting an effective life plan
for managing their reproductive activities. It explains about means of avoiding unwanted pregnancies
using some naturally proven methods available. It also addresses issues related to infertility.
Understanding ovulation symptoms and the fertile window is the key to determining the right time
for intercourse in order to avoid or plan pregnancy. The ovulation technique uses the indicators of
ovulation to determine the fertile window. A rise in body temperature and changes in cervical mucus
(wet, clear, slippery) are the best indicators of ovulation. Understanding the concept of the fertile
window enables women to strategically plan the timing of intercourse in order to either facilitate
conception or prevent it.