/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT A Single-arm, Open-label Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of SMT04 Pro in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a brain-gut-disorder characterized by a chronic relapsing-remitting nature of symptoms, including abdominal pain and altered bowel habits. Symptoms most likely result from complex interactions between several biological, psychological and social factors.
Probiotic supplements are thought to improve IBS symptoms through manipulation of the gut microbiota. Some studies have suggested that different strains of probiotics may improve abdominal pain and reduce visceral hypersensitivity by modulation of expression of neurotransmitters and receptors involved in the modulation of pain, such as the opioid receptor or the cannabinoid receptor. In addition, probiotics have been shown to reduce intestinal cytokine secretion and improve epithelial barrier function in a mice model of intestinal inflammation.
Bifidobacteria and Streptococci strains had previously demonstrated efficacy in achieving symptom improvement in IBS patients. Thus, there is potential for SMT04, a health supplement, to be an option for IBS patients.
A Pilot, Double-blind, Randomised, Placebo-controlled Trial on the Efficacy of a Synbiotic Formula (BLHK03) in Alleviating Chemotherapy-induced Alopecia (CIA) in Breast Cancer Patients
This study aims to explore the efficacy and safety of a synbiotic formula (BLHK03) in alleviating chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) in breast cancer patients and the compositional and functional changes in the gut microbiome of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and treatment with BLHK03.
A Double-blind Randomized Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Effect of Synbiotics SLP07 on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD-RCT)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common chronic liver diseases worldwide. Available data indicates that probiotics may regulate the gut microbiota, while Vitamin E and omega 3 are safe and effective at treating NAFLD patients. In this study, investigators aim to investigate if the enhanced synbiotic preparation of SLP07 is efficacious in liver function improvement in subjects with MAFLD.
100 项与 Geniebiome Ltd. 相关的临床结果
0 项与 Geniebiome Ltd. 相关的专利(医药)
2023-12-01·Hong Kong Medical Journal
Can a microbiota-derived health supplement mitigate adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination in children?
作者: Chow, C M ; Cheong, P K ; Hu, J ; Ching, J Y L
/美通社/ -- 由全球创新企业学会 (Global Academy of Innovative Enterprises) 举办的“2022-2023届荣誉专业资格暨一带一路杰出华人系列奖项颁授典礼”,于2023年11月9日在香港湾仔会议展览中心完满结束。
全球创新企业学会颁授典礼旨在表扬华人在个人和组织在创新思维、创新领域和多元之发展方面的成就。作为世界学习学者和高管的独立团体;一个支持新创意和创新设计的资助机构,为过去、现在和未来的行业发声和支持。今次颁授典礼,全球创新企业学会很荣幸邀请到“全球创新企业学会”荣誉院长大卫.弥尔顿教授 (Professor
David Milton
其中获颁授荣誉资格部分包括优怡康物理治疗痛症及运动中心Director范喜文荣誉院士、ANKH 机能再生-痛症健康集团创办人及行政总裁巫家伟院士、源青一堂有限公司创办人郭家乐院士、香港天才儿童艺术协会课程总监花本兰院士、ITSU World (HK) Limited首席执行官及董事谢有江院士等。
至于“一带一路杰出华人系列”之“全球杰出华人领袖奖”部分包括翠华集团主席李远康先生、星光集团有限公司集团主席兼执行长林光如先生、香港中乐团主席陈伟佳博士、Germagic Biochemical Technology(HK) Ltd Co-founder 洪思聪先生、Vicon Holdings Limited主席及首席执行官邹国俊先生等。另外“全球杰出创新领袖奖”得主为翱翔教育有限公司创办人及总监吴志鸿先生。
全球创新企业学会 (Global Academy of Innovative Enterprises , GAIE) 是一间非牟利组织,由诺贝尔奖得主 Prof.
Shuji Nakamura
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