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首次获批日期2004-07-12 |
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Treatment of Recombinant Modified Human Tumor Necrosis Factor (rmhTNF) for Colorectal Cancer With Peritoneal Metastases: Phase II Clinical Trial
The goal of this study is planing to adopt intra-abdominal perfusion therapy of rmhTNF during radical colorectal cancer surgery to determine whether intra-abdominal therapy has an impact on postoperative intestinal function recovery, anastomotic leakage, postoperative bleeding, postoperative adhesion intestinal obstruction and other complications. On this basis, the effect of rmhTNF on postoperative peritoneal implantation metastasis and long-term survival was further studied. The main question it aims to answer is: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of rmhTNF in the treatment of peritoneal metastases in colorectal cancer. Participants will receive 1. Radical surgery: Surgical methods can be developed or endoscopic (including robotic surgery). Radical resection of colorectal cancer (corresponding resection of colon and rectum plus regional lymph node dissection, regional lymph node dissection including parenteral, intermediate and mesangial root lymph nodes) follows the principle of mesangectomy and tumorless operation. 2. Abdominal heat perfusion was performed twice: the first time, 5 million IUrmhTNF, dissolved in 30-50ml normal saline, was intraperitoneal heat perfusion into the surgical focus after the operation; the second time, rhatitrexed 2.5mg/m2 was injected into the abdominal cavity through thermoperfusion or drainage tube; 3. Postoperative systemic chemotherapy regimen: postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy should be started 3-4 weeks after surgery, and appropriately extended for patients with poor physique, but no later than 8 weeks after surgery. The chemotherapy regimen was determined by the clinician according to pathological stage, molecular typing, and risk factors, referring to the NCCN and CSCO guidelines.
以无穿刺生存期(Puncture-Free Survival,PuFS)和客观缓解率(ORR)作为主要疗效指标,评价rmhTNF-NC+顺铂相较于顺铂单药腔内灌注治疗恶性胸、腹腔积液的有效性。
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