Validation of New Prognostic BiomarkerRs in Patients with CirrhOsis DiScharged After a HosPitalization Due to AcutE DeCompensation or AcuTe-on-chronic Liver Failure
The study aims to test the effectiveness of new biomarkers (measurable molecules in our body) in predicting the health outcome of patients with liver cirrhosis discharged from the hospital after a serious complication of the disease
EASL: European Registry of Liver Disease in Pregnancy
Liver Diseases in pregnancy represents rare disorders and current data is derived primarily from single centres and retrospective cohorts. Moreover, the population prevalence of these diseases is low and to-date, it has proven difficult to generate reliable data at a patient level.
This is a multi-center, prospective cohort study that will open at 3 centers within the UK; and 4 centers in the European Union. The investigators will aim to collect data and blood samples at various time points, for patients presenting with liver disease during pregnancy. The main rationale behind this study is to establish a platform that enables detailed review of the outcomes of these rare diseases; to help classify and stratify patients according to risk and develop interventional studies and care pathways to improve overall outcome.
The European Paediatric Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Registry (EU-PNAFLD): a Prospective, Longitudinal Follow-up of Children With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The EU-PNAFLD (The European Paediatric NALFD Registry) will be a network composed of European centres involved in the care of children with NAFLD, and will include Hepatologists, Endocrinologists, and Scientists, supported by relevant international specialists. This collaboration will build on existing infrastructure (local databases and bio-repositories) and will align with the adult European NAFLD Registry ("EPoS", Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis study) to allow long-term follow-up supported by translational studies. Through an international, well-characterised large-scale cohort, we hope to: facilitate multi-centre clinical trials; extend our understanding of the key disease mechanisms of NAFLD; and establish the natural history of paediatric NAFLD.
100 项与 European Association for the Study of the Liver 相关的临床结果
0 项与 European Association for the Study of the Liver 相关的专利(医药)
2025-03-01·Lancet Regional Health-Europe
On-label alcohol beverage warnings in Ireland- setting a standard for Europe
2024-07-01·Annals of Hepatology
Reply to: “From NAFLD to MASLD: Promise and pitfalls of a new definition’
作者: Newsome, Philip N ; Rinella, Mary E ; Terrault, Norah ; Krag, Aleksander ; Narro, Graciela E Castro
Reply to: “From NAFLD to MASLD: Promise and pitfalls of a new definition”
作者: Newsome, Philip N ; Castro Narro, Graciela E ; Terrault, Norah ; Rinella, Mary E ; Krag, Aleksander
100 项与 European Association for the Study of the Liver 相关的药物交易
100 项与 European Association for the Study of the Liver 相关的转化医学