最高研发阶段临床2期 |
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OSU6162 as add-on in SSRI/SNRI-resistant Depression (ODEN): a Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety
This is a randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial comparing OSU6162 at flexible dosage with placebo as add-on to treatment with an SSRI/SNRI in patients with depression that have not responded to treatment with an SSRI/SNRI per se for at least 6 weeks. The study will last for 6 weeks, after which those not having responded will leave the trial and those having responded will be offered to continue treatment without unblinding for another 4 weeks.
While assessment of the efficacy and safety of OSU6162 is the main objective of this study, possible differences between the two treatment groups with respect to a number of biomarkers in serum will also be explored.
Multicenter trial: Multiple sites four Gothenburg, Lund, Stockholm and Uppsala.
OSU6162 in Bipolar Depression: An Open-label, Flexible Dose Study (OBID)
An explorative, open label, single armed, flexible dose, single center, phase IIa study of 8 weeks, initiated in inpatients with bipolar depression. The study will consist of 9 visits and 1 safety visit.
Inpatients with a primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder (type 1 or 2) currently in an acute depressive phase (i.e. bipolar depression) and being on stable medication with at least one mood stabilizer.
Double-blind, Randomised, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of OSU6162 in the Treatment of Residual Symptoms After Stroke
Following stroke, a recovery process is promptly initiated, which leads to a partial rehabilitation. However, a number of disabling residual symptoms may persist for years and include mental fatigue, depression, cognitive deficits, neurological problems and more. In the lack of an effective treatment these symptoms will lead to major consequences for the individual and the surrounding society. OSU6162 has in earlier clinical studies of stroke patients shown evidence of a favorable effect on residual symptoms, especially mental fatigue, together with a mild side effect profile.
In this phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled, two-armed study, a 16 week OSU6162 treatment will be compared to an equally long placebo treatment in patients with residual symptoms following stroke.
100 项与 Arvid Carlsson Research AB 相关的临床结果
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100 项与 Arvid Carlsson Research AB 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Arvid Carlsson Research AB 相关的转化医学