/ Enrolling by invitationN/A HeadPulse Large Vessel Occlusion Validation Study
Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is a treatable disease if patients can be transported and treated at stroke centers. MindRhythm, Inc (sponsor) has developed an investigational medical device that is designed for prehospital field use to differentiate the two major forms of acute ischemic stroke, namely Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) stroke and non-large vessel occlusion stroke. The intended use is for paramedics to decide which destination hospital is best for the patient based on the device result. Large vessel occlusion stroke patients should be brought directly to comprehensive stroke centers which can perform thrombectomy, and non-large vessel occlusion stroke should be brought to primary stroke centers. Use of the device will save time getting the patient to thrombectomy and all others to intravenous thrombolytics or blood thinners that clear clots improves outcomes for all patients.
The Harmony 5000 device manufactured by MindRhythm has been tested in the pre-hospital environment, but because large vessel occlusion stroke is less common than non-large vessel occlusion stroke, the sponsor wants to obtain additional recordings from patients with large vessel occlusion to better refine their algorithms. Investigators will perform acute recordings on patients who arrive at the medical center who have computed tomography angiography studies showing the presence of large vessel occlusion stroke stroke, and on patients transferred to the angiography suite for thrombectomy. Recordings are performed in parallel to standard workflow of large vessel occlusion stroke patients so the research will not delay treatments.
/ Enrolling by invitationN/A EPISODE-VS: hEad Pulse for Ischemic StrOke Verification Study
Prehospital providers encounter patients with suspected stroke frequently. Prehospital providers need tools to help triage large vessel stroke patients to comprehensive stroke centers. This device will identify large vessel stroke to ultimately improve triage decisions and optimize outcomes.
Non-Blinded Control Study of Healthy Adults to Investigate the Morphology of the Headpulse Waveform Under Normal Conditions
The REFRESH study is designed to collect data related to a signal in the brain that MindRhythm has named the Headpulse. The Headpulse occurs as a natural movement of the brain in conjunction with the beating of the heart. 500 "normal" subjects who are considered healthy as they do not have any current known neurological injury will collect the brain signal data from the non-invasive headband style headset for a duration of 3 minutes either once or multiple times. Upon consenting to participate to the study by way of the accompanying MindRhythm app, participants will be sent a Harmony headset kit which will include ECG leads to collect cardiac data in conjunction with the brain signal. The participant will receive training materials and instructions on how to collect and transmit data to investigators by way of the MindRhythm app. The data collected by these "normal" patients will be used as a comparator to individuals who are suspected of neurological injury. This data will assist in training the data analysis algorithm to optimize its diagnostic abilities in detecting neurological injury or abnormalities including but not limited to stroke, stroke type, and concussion. The data set will also be analyzed to determine how the signal varies within an individual and amongst other "normals." An additional benefit of collecting this data will be to gain knowledge related to the ergonomic factors of the app and the headset and its "user friendliness."
100 项与 MindRhythm Inc. 相关的临床结果
0 项与 MindRhythm Inc. 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 MindRhythm Inc. 相关的药物交易
100 项与 MindRhythm Inc. 相关的转化医学