Dog bite injuries often present to Emergency Departments (ED), and between 2001 and 2003, approximately 4.5 million adults and children were injured. Injuries may range from puncture wounds to deep tissue lacerations or avulsions. Deaths have been described. Our objective was to describe dog bite injuries, the overall location of injuries, and need for vaccination among children who presented to a Pediatric ED designated as a level III trauma center with a robust facial surgical infrastructure. This was a 6-year retrospective study. Charts were identified by International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision ( ICD-10) codes for lacerations or injuries secondary to animal bites and accessing the hospital’s trauma database. Variables abstracted were age, sex, type of injury, location, need for antibiotics, immunization states and requirement of tetanus or rabies vaccine, disposition from ED to the operating room, home, or any in-patient unit. We excluded children older than 17 years of age and children who had a post-bite injury infection or injury not initially managed in our facility or medical system. The final cohort consisted of 152 children. The median age was 52 months and age ranged from 2 to 215 months. Children with a single bite injury were older when compared with those with numerous injuries, 81 and 62 months of age, respectively. Among young children, 75% of injuries occurred above the neck and 15.1% were managed in the operating room. Twenty-four percent of children required either a tetanus or rabies vaccination. Most dog bite injuries occurred to facial structures. Comprehensive care of dog victims included awareness of both dog and injured child vaccination status.