/ Not yet recruiting临床1/2期 A Phase 1/2 Study of Mirdametinib and Vinblastine for Newly Diagnosed or Previously Untreated Patients With Pediatric Low-grade Glioma and Activation of the MAPK Pathway
This is a 3-part open-label study (feasibility phase, treatment phase and follow-up phase) of orally administered mirdametinib in combination with intravenous vinblastine chemotherapy in patients with PLGG with activation of MAPK pathway.
Feasibility Phase:
The maximum tolerated/recommended phase 2 dose (MTD/RP2D) of the mirdametinib plus vinblastine combination will be assessed using a modified Rolling-6 design.
Treatment Phase:
Patients will receive mirdametinib twice daily (continuously) at a fixed dose (2mg/m2 po BID up to 4 mg BID) for a total of 13 cycles (28 days cycle). Weekly intravenous vinblastine at MTD will be given for a total of 17 cycles. If adverse events occur, two dose reductions are allowed.
Follow-up Phase:
Following the end of treatment, patients will be scheduled for a follow-up visit every 6 months for 36 months to evaluate PFS, TTP and OS.
Optimal Precision TherapIes to CustoMISE Care in Childhood and Adolescent Cancer
A companion platform trial to test novel targeted agents based on the patient's tumor profile.
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