GC Biopharma and Eubiologics enter deal to produce cholera vaccine

GC Biopharma and Eubiologics enter deal to produce cholera vaccine
来源: Pharmaceutical Technology
The companies will jointly manufacture the cholera vaccine from the first half of 2024. Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com.
South Korean biopharmaceutical firm GC Biopharma has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Eubiologics to jointly manufacture oral cholera vaccine, Euvichol.
Under the deal, both companies will collaborate for the vaccine supply.
Eubiologics will oversee the bulk manufacturing of the vaccine while GC Biopharma will be responsible for conducting the packaging process including the bottling of vials.
The parties will jointly manufacture Euvichol from the first half of 2024 for supply to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
UNICEF had sought further supply of vaccines apart from those of a plastic-tubed Euvichol-Plus to address the recent spread of cholera infection in various areas such as Africa.
Eubiologics and the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) co-developed Euvichol for the prevention of cholera.
The vaccine received World Health Organization Prequalification in 2015 and the supply of doses to UNICEF started in 2016.
As of 2022, a total of 100 million vaccine doses were supplied to the UN agency.
Eubiologics vice-president Kyeong-Ho Min said: “With the more frequent floods and droughts due to climate change and global warming, the world is currently experiencing rapid spread of cholera, leading to a shortage of vaccine supply.
“The MOU will be a big boost to the increase of vaccine supply, and it will bring us not only more revenue, but also a way to further contribute to controlling the spread of cholera.”