Eric Trump-linked hospital COO reportedly resigns after vaccine controversy

The COO and CFO of Chicago-based Loretto Hospital has reportedly stepped down following accusations that the hospital improperly prioritized people for Covid-19 vaccination. Loretto Hospital vaccinated workers at three businesses that executive Dr. Anosh Ahmed had close ties with, according to Block Club Chicago, which broke the news. The hospital’s board of trustees unanimously voted to accept Ahmed’s resignation Wednesday. Loretto Hospital did not respond to MedCity News’ multiple requests for comment. The hospital will review all deviations from the rules governing vaccine administration, the board said, according to a statement obtained by Block Club Chicago. But, there needs to be an independent investigation, not just an internal audit, said Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot in a call with reporters Thursday. The hospital held a vaccination event on March 10 at Trump Tower Downtown, where several hotel workers received the coveted vaccine, though other similar workers in the city have not been allowed to get the shot so far. It was later discovered that Ahmed owned a condo in the building. Further, Ahmed reportedly shared a photo taken with Eric Trump on the same day as the vaccination event. In a text message that accompanied the photo, Ahmed said he “vaccinated Eric Trump” despite the fact that the younger Trump would not have been eligible based on the city’s priority guidelines, Block Club Chicago reported. Ahmed later said he was joking. Employees at other businesses frequented by Ahmed also reportedly received the vaccine despite not being eligible. Loretto Hospital held a March 3 vaccination event at a luxury jewelry store Geneva Seal where Ahmed often shops, and senior workers at Maple & Ash, a steakhouse, received the vaccine in February, sources told Block Club Chicago. Last week — after new revelations of Loretto providing vaccine doses to some Cook County judges and members of the hospital CEO’s church came to light — city officials cut off Loretto Hospital’s vaccine supply, CBS Chicago reported. The city’s topmost official is now calling for an independent investigation of the hospital. Loretto Hospital, which serves the city’s west side, needs to “come clean about every instance in which a vaccine [dose] has been committed to people that don’t fit into that west side footprint,” Lightfoot said. “I’ve been very upfront about the fact that I’m been deeply disappointed with the way that Loretto…in my view, misappropriated precious vaccines that were intended to serve the west side community, the low-income black community, that Loretto Hospital has a mission to serve,” she said. Though Lightfoot did not indicate who she thinks should conduct the investigation, she was clear that the results should be reported to the city’s health department.