Daiichi Sankyo inks digital partnership for atrial fibrillation

Daiichi Sankyo has signed a collaborative agreement with three technology partners to improve the detection and diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the UK. As part of the collaboration with FibriCheck, neoHealthTech and Capitol Medicare, Daiichi will work to offer innovative digital solutions for patients and clinicians in the management of AF. The partnership will also focus on addressing the increased need for at-home diagnosis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the moment, there is no remote end-to-end AF detection and diagnosis pathway within the NHS, according to Daiichi. The new partnership will offer at-risk patients access to at-home technologies, including a smartphone application and wearable echocardiogram monitoring device, that can remotely monitor and enable the detection and diagnosis of AF. “These technologies offer significant opportunities to drive earlier detection and diagnosis of AF, which as a result, supports efforts to prevent AF-related cardiovascular events,” said Manuel Reiberg, managing director at Daiichi Sankyo UK. “This cross-sector collaboration is a central part of our commitment to provide our healthcare partners with innovative, sustainable solutions, and we look forward to analysing the impact these projects will have on patient outcomes,” he added. Through the collaboration, various local integrated projects will be delivered in pilot areas at the Primary Care Network (PCN) level across the UK throughout 2021 and 2022. These will provide local data on both the efficacy and outcomes of the programme, Daiichi said in a statement.