项与 [161Tb]Tb PSMA I&Tc 相关的临床试验 / Active, not recruiting临床1/2期IIT EValuation of radIOLigand Treatment in mEn With Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer With [161Tb]Tb-PSMA-I&T: Phase I/II Study
This clinical trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of [161Tb]Tb -PSMA-I&T in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).
100 项与 [161Tb]Tb PSMA I&Tc 相关的临床结果
100 项与 [161Tb]Tb PSMA I&Tc 相关的转化医学
100 项与 [161Tb]Tb PSMA I&Tc 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 [161Tb]Tb PSMA I&Tc 相关的药物交易