A First in Human Trial to Study Safety and Tolerability of Single Rising Intravitreal Doses (oPen Label, Non-randomized, Uncontrolled) and in Addition the Early Biological Response of mulTiple Intravitreal Doses (Double-masked, RandomIzed, Sham-controlleD) of BI 765128 in Panretinal photocoaGulation (PRP) Treated Diabetic rEtinopathy (DR) Patients With Diabetic Macular Ischemia (DMI) - the PARTRIDGE Study
This study is open to adults with diabetic macular ischemia who have received laser treatment. The main purpose of this study is to find out whether people with diabetic macular ischemia can tolerate a medicine called BI 765128.
In this study, BI 765128 is given to people for the first time.
The study has 2 parts. Part A tests 3 doses of BI 765128. Participants get either a low, medium or high dose of BI 765128 as a single injection into the eye. If participants tolerate it well, the highest dose will be used in part B.
In part B, participants are put into 2 groups randomly, which means by chance. 1 group gets BI 765128 as injection into the eye. The other group gets sham injections. A sham injection means that it is not a real injection and contains no medicine. Participants cannot tell whether they get the real injection or a sham injection. In this part, participants receive study treatment once every month for 3 months.
Participants in part A are in the study for about 4 months and visit the study site about 8 times.
Participants in part B are in the study for about 5 months and visit the study site about 7 times.
The doctors regularly check participants' health and take note of any unwanted effects.
100 项与 BI-765128 相关的专利(医药)