项与 TAL-T细胞(泛恩生物) 相关的临床试验肿瘤相关淋巴结T细胞注射液(TAL-T)治疗晚期恶性实体瘤受试者安全性和耐受性的I期临床试验
A Phase I Clinical Trial of the Safety and Tolerability of Tumor-Associated Lymph Node T-Cell Injection (TAL-T) in Subjects With Advanced Malignant Solid Tumors
A Phase I clinical trial of the safety and tolerability of tumor-associated lymph node T cell injection in patients with advanced malignant solid tumors, including but not limited to melanoma, head and neck tumors, cervical cancer, and non-small cell lung cancer.
An Open,Single-center,Phase I Clinical Study of Tumor-associated Lymph Node T Cell Therapy for Advanced Solid Tumors
A total of 17 to 23 participants are anticipated to be enrolled in the Phase I clinical trial, which is further divided into two distinct parts: one part involves single-agent cell therapy, while the other entails a combination of cell therapy and Serplulimab Injection.
To be more precise, the study aims to include patients who have been diagnosed with metastatic or locally advanced refractory/recurrent malignant solid tumors and have shown resistance to standard therapeutic interventions. These tumor types may encompass head and neck cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, and others.
100 项与 TAL-T细胞(泛恩生物) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 TAL-T细胞(泛恩生物) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 TAL-T细胞(泛恩生物) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 TAL-T细胞(泛恩生物) 相关的药物交易