Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a rare autoimmune inflammation of the liver mostly with a chronic course, which can also be acutely manifested up to acute liver failure. It affects women 3-4 times more frequently than men and can be diagnosed in all age groups. In one third of the patients a liver cirrhosis is present at the time of diagnosis. It is characterized by a hepatic inflammation pattern, a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia of immunoglobulin G and the detection of autoantibodies. A liver biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis. The AIH is histologically characterized in particular by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the portal fields. In cases with a relevant disease activity, AIH is typically treated by immunosuppression. The immunosuppressive treatment is associated with a prevention of disease progression to liver cirrhosis and a better survival. The success of treatment is measured by achieving biochemical remission, i.e., normalization of the transaminase and immunoglobulin G levels as a good noninvasive predictor of a histological remission. Another treatment target is an improvement of the symptoms of the patient. The first-line treatment consists of a glucocorticoid, mostly prednisolone or in cases without advanced fibrosis budesonide, and azothioprine. For reduction of steroid-specific treatment side effects the maintenance treatment should be carried out steroid-free whenever possible. In cases of insufficient response to azothioprine or side effects a treatment attempt using antimetabolites, such as 6‑mercaptopurine or mycophenolate mofetil is primarily carried out as second-line treatment. For patients who do not achieve biochemical remission through first-line or second-line treatment, a variety of medications are available for third-line treatment, e.g., rituximab, calcineurin inhibitors or antitumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) antibodies. Third-line treatment should be carried out in expert centers and registered in the European Reference Network for Rare Liver Diseases in order to improve the currently sparse database for these forms of treatment in the future.