Strategic helminth control in adult cattle would hardly impose sufficient selection pressure to parasite populations but reports of resistance against macrocyclic lactone (ML) based-products have been confirmed worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the scientific literature of ML resistance (< 90.0% efficiency) in helminths of cattle from 2001 (the first report) to 2020 in Brazil. Additional to the data, we studied the correlation of parasite control practices based on a questionnaire given to 32 farmers. The search returned 246 reports and 21 full articles were selected. From these, a Wordcloud and a Keyword Co-occurrence Network graph were created. The published data revealed that most of the studies (19/21) reported multi-species (Cooperia spp., Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum radiatum, Trichostrongylus sp.) resistance to ML. None of the reports described the treatment frequency in the tested farms. As for the questionnaire, the majority of farmers (> 70.0%) responded that they rotate products after treatment, animals are treated monthly or biweekly (58.0%), treatments are based on visual evaluation (coat condition, ectoparasite infestation), and that in 94.0% of the times farmers treat all animals. Moreover, farmers use ML in association with potent acaricides (cypermethrin, chlorpyriphos, fluazuron) in more than 90.0% of the times (15/16). It was observed that this regimen was used to prevent and control the cattle-tick Rhipicephalus microplus (90.0%) and the horn-fly, Haematobia irritans (30.0%) infestations. We conclude that the most important factor for nematode resistance was the high level of ML exposure of up to 16 times/year, in combination with acaricides to control ticks and to a lesser extent to control horn-flies. Therefore, selection of helminth populations in cattle in Brazil can be considered secondary to ectoparasite control. The present analysis is critical, as one the most widespread recommendations to avoid drug resistance is to reduce the use of long-acting compounds, due to their extended persistent periods, increasing parasite selection. Moreover, a more serious attitude must be taken regarding parasite control strategies for livestock, reinforcing that health protocols should be based on single acaricidal products whenever possible. Complementary, selective evaluations based on transient threshold population abundance must be enforced to reduce treatment frequency, reducing parasite selection and animal distress.