项与 升麻提取物/金丝桃提取物 相关的临床试验Phase 3 Study - Efficacy and Tolerance for the Mixture of Dry Extracts Black Cohosh and Saint John's Worth Versus Isolated Black Cohosh Extract for the Climacteric Symptoms' Control
Climacteric Complains bring to women many problems for living a normal life - hot flashes, irritation are 2 of many problems and the mixture of those 2 plant extract must bring a new horizon for this part of time.
100 项与 升麻提取物/金丝桃提取物 相关的临床结果
100 项与 升麻提取物/金丝桃提取物 相关的转化医学
100 项与 升麻提取物/金丝桃提取物 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 升麻提取物/金丝桃提取物 相关的药物交易