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100 项与 Theragene Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 相关的临床结果
0 项与 Theragene Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 相关的专利(医药)
2014-05-20·Journal of Clinical Oncology
Characterization of the mTOR autophosphorylation site, S2481, as a novel biomarker in renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
作者: Brooks, James D. ; Harshman, Lauren Christine ; Berglin, Jon ; Hunter, Tony ; Muller, Karra ; Copp, Jeremy ; Lin, Chii-Dean ; Higgins, John
4571 Background: mTOR inhibitors have clinical utility in VEGF-refractory RCC and may be useful in non-clear cell disease. In general, mTOR inhibition is inferior to targeting VEGF in the treatment...
100 项与 Theragene Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Theragene Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 相关的转化医学