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2009-11-27·Human antibodies
Summary analysis of the pre-clinical and clinical results of brain tumor patients treated with pritumumab
作者: Glassy, Mark C. ; Hagiwara, Hideaki
Pritumumab is a human IgG1 kappa antibody that has been derived from a B-cell isolated from a regional draining lymph node of a patient with cervical carcinoma. Specificity analysis of the antibody with human tissues showed the antigen, altered tumor-associated vimentin, to be highly restricted to various cancers and not normal cells and tissues. In various clinical trials in Japan 249 patients with brain cancer were treated with pritumumab. The overall response rate was between 25-30% with several survivors beyond 5-years post-treatment. The patients were on a low dose regimen of 1mg given twice a week for a course of 24 weeks for a total dose of 48 mgs per course. Pritumumab appears to be a safe and effective therapy in patients with malignant gliomas.
Oligoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparations
作者: Gupta, Rishab K. ; Glassy, Mark C.
A review discusses oligoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparations used in the clinic, and as the technol. matures, this use will only increase.It also discusses use of oligoclonal antibody preparations will eventually replace conventional polyclonal antibodies primarily because of advantages of more control and less variability.
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100 项与 Nascent Biologics, Inc. 相关的转化医学