Soul Strips Is Restoring Gut Health Through Convenient, Bioavailable Nutrients

The Health Brand's Edible Vitamin and Mineral Strips Effectively Deliver Key Nutrients to the Gut Microbiome for Both Adults and Children
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Sept. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Soul Strips is an innovative health brand that has created a unique form of vitamin and mineral supplementation:
the oral strip. The Soul Strips team has developed a form of nanotechnology that allows it to infuse edible strips with essential nutrients targeted toward various basic bodily needs. Soul Strips' range of products (which will be available in American markets soon) includes products for the immune system, cognitive health, sleep aid, libido, energy, and more. It also has
a pair of adult and children's supplements for stronger gut health.
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Soul Strips Is Restoring Gut Health Through Convenient, Bioavailable Nutrients
来源: PRNewswire
Soul Strips
It's estimated that as many as 70 million Americans suffer from digestive conditions every year. These conditions span the gamut and can include major concerns like Crohn's or Celiac diseases. Others, like acid reflux, food intolerances, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), are less severe, though they can still sap quality of life and lead to further complications over time.
While they may vary in severity, all digestive concerns are important, and those managing them should talk to their doctor about treatment. As they explore their options, many find that often the best solution isn't a strong pharmaceutical one. It's simple nutraceutical preventative care.
"We consider it our sincere responsibility to transform the current wellness mentality," declares Soul Strips co-founder Sharath Madhavan. "We want to shift the narrative from 'eat chemical-based medicine when I'm sick' to 'take preventive care of my body and avoid health issues in the first place.'"
Madhavan adds that health should be an everyday pursuit. "That is why we're making nutritious formulations available in the oral strips form," he explains. "These have higher effectiveness and absorption than conventional pills, tonics, gummies, tablets etc."
This combination of efficacy and hyperconvenience makes Soul Strips an ideal way to maintain preventative health — including gut health — through nutraceutical supplementation. The brand's Gutsy gut health product delivers a potent dose of apple cider vinegar and a natural digestive enzyme combination that includes Protease, Amylase, and Lipase. Together, these ingredients help break down food, restore pH balance, and regain an equilibrium of good bacteria in the gut microbiome.
Soul Strips' Miss Digestion is a similar take on gut support for kids. It includes a probiotic blend and cranberry extract to restore bacteria balance and bolster the digestive system in younger bodies. In an era when digestive issues are rampant, Soul Strips' digestive supplements offer a convenient and effective way to boost gut health and ensure that the GI tract of adults and children alike are helping rather than hindering their health.
About Soul Strips
Soul Strips operates out of Dubai, UAE & Mumbai, India and was launched in 2020 by serial entrepreneurs Sharath Madhavan and Avinash Madhavan. The co-partners created the brand out of a vision to use cutting-edge nanotechnology to create hyper-convenient, uniquely bioavailable supplements for men, women, and children. Soul Strips products are sugar-free, preservative-free, and plant-based. They are a holistic health solution designed around preserving health and enhancing quality of life. Learn more at
Avinash Madhavan
M: +971 526257044
[email protected]
SOURCE Soul Strips