Brenus Pharma unveils promising pre-clinical results extrapolating human conditions in major international congresses.

LYON, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Brenus Pharma announces that pre-clinical advancements of its inaugural research program were presented at the 7th CICON (International Cancer Immunotherapy) Conference in Milan, Italy (September 20-23) and will be showcased at the 38th Annual SITC (Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer) Congress in San Diego, CA, USA (November 1-5) These communications focus on pre-clinical validation of new developments of the first product generated by the STC Platform, STC-1010, which targets colorectal cancer in a first line of treatment. CONFERENCE TITLE AUTHORS RESULTS CICON23 P119: Allogenic Tumor Cell-Based Vaccine to Treat Colorectal Cancer: Development and Preclinical Validation George ALZEEB, Scientific Project Manager, Brenus Pharma, (Ph.D) Corinne TORTORELLI, Medical Lead, Brenus Pharma, (Pharm. D., Ph.D) Corentin RICHARD, Postdoc, Centre Georges-François Leclerc, ICMUB UMR CNRS 6302, (PhD) Romain BOIDOT, Molecular biologist, Centre Georges-François Leclerc, ICMUB UMR CNRS 6302, (PhD) Tanguy FORTIN, CEO, Anaquant, (PhD) Alban BESSEDE, CEO, Explicyte, (Ph.D) Yan WANG, R&D Project Manager, Inovotion, (M.D, PhD) Lionel CHALUS, LTO, Brenus Pharma Benoit PINTEUR, CSO, Brenus Pharma, (Pharm D) Paul BRAVETTI, CEO, Brenus Pharma, (Pharm D, MSc) Antoine ITALIANO, Early Phase Trials and Sarcoma Units, Institut Bergonie, (M.D, PhD) François GHIRINGHELLI, Director of UMR INSERM 1231, (MD,PhD) SEE POSTER SITC23 Stimulated Tumor Cells (STC) Vaccine Induce Response in Colorectal Cancer TO COME Benoit PINTEUR, (Pharm.D), Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Brenus Pharma explains: "After testing the STC product on colorectal cancer models in syngeneic immunocompetent mice (in vivo), where results have shown improved overall survival and enhanced immune response with STC-1010, we tested new models (ex vivo, in ovo) to enhance human extrapolation to validate the STC-1010 biological mechanism of action and replicate excellent results on human colorectal cancer models. All our efforts are now focused on regulatory approvals and batch production for the clinical trial in 2024." About STC Platform: "Stimulated-Tumor-Cells" is the first technology platform that generates cancer vaccines, based on cells that are stimulated to reproduce antigenic relapsing-tumor signatures; and haptenized to educate the immune system against resistant tumors. It breaks through current limitations by efficiently treating solid tumors, ensuring cost and supply control. For further information: