ACC Applauds Senate's Ratification of Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) applauded U.S. Senate approval of the 2016 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, a global agreement to cut the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The White House sent the Kigali Amendment to the Senate on Nov. 16, 2021. A coalition of industry and business groups recently wrote to all senators urging expeditious ratification of the Kigali Amendment this Congress. “We commend today’s Senate action, which represents an important step forward in strengthening U.S. competitiveness and addressing climate change,” said ACC president and CEO Chris Jahn. “The HFCs phasedown can reduce a sizable source of emissions while creating manufacturing jobs and growing America’s share of the global market for air-conditioning and refrigeration products. U.S. companies have developed effective alternatives to HFCs for these uses. Ratification of the Kigali Amendment sends a signal that our country has made a long-term commitment, which helps open export markets. It’s a prime example of how American chemistry is applying innovation to address global challenges.” ACC endorsed the bipartisan American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, which began the national phasedown of HFCs and was enacted as part of the FY 2021 spending bill. ACC also supported a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal to reduce the production and use of HFCs by 85% over the next 15 years. The rule was finalized in late 2021. Ratification of the Kigali Amendment will help accelerate the economic and climate benefits created by the AIM Act.