The availability of protein standards and methods for their characterization, quantification, and purity assessment are currently a bottleneck in absolute quantitative proteomics. In this work, we introduce an absolute quantitative analytical strategy based on ICP-MS sulfur detection that uses sulfate as generic standard to quantify and certify the mass purity of protein standards. The methodology combines capillary chromatographic separation with parallel detection with ICP-MS and ESI-MS to determine proteoforms concentration and identity, respectively. The workability of the methodology was demonstrated using recombinant human cytokine standards IP-10 and Flt3L (2 batches), which are relevant biomarkers for carcinoma or inflammatory diseases. Every key factor (transport efficiency, column recovery, signal stability and internal standard suitability) was taken into account and certified BSA standard was used as quality control for validation purposes. Protein quantification values and resulting mass purity certification of IP-10 and one batch of Flt3L were very high (100 and 86%, respectively). Lower mass purity obtained for another batch of Flt3L (<70%) concurred with the finding of significant proteoforms resulted from oxidation processes as observed by parallel ESI-MS.