作者: Hou, Catherine ; Mach, Robert H ; Martinez, Daniel ; Powell, Daniel J ; Lee, Hwan ; Martorano, Paul ; Dabagian, Hannah ; Xu, Kuiying ; Batra, Vandana ; Farrel, Alvin ; Lee, Ji Youn ; Groff, David ; Pogoriler, Jennifer ; Makvandi, Mehran ; Patel, Khushbu ; Pryma, Daniel A ; Taghvaee, Tara ; Samanta, Minu ; Riad, Aladdin ; Carlin, Sean D ; Zaleski, Michael ; Gitto, Sarah B ; Maris, John M
Abstract:Astatine-211-parthanatine ([211At]PTT) is an alpha-emitting radiopharmaceutical therapeutic that targets poly(adenosine-diphosphate-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) in cancer cells. High-risk neuroblastomas exhibit among the highest PARP1 expression across solid tumors. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of [211At]PTT using 11 patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mouse models of high-risk neuroblastoma, and assessed hematological and marrow toxicity in a CB57/BL6 healthy mouse model. We observed broad efficacy in PDX models treated with [211At]PTT at the maximum tolerated dose (MTD 36 MBq/kg/fraction x4) administered as a fractionated regimen. For the MTD, complete tumor response was observed in 81.8% (18 of 22) of tumors and the median event free survival was 72 days with 30% (6/20) of mice showing no measurable tumor >95 days. Reversible hematological and marrow toxicity was observed 72 hours post-treatment at the MTD, however full recovery was evident by 4 weeks post-therapy. These data support clinical development of [211At]PTT for high-risk neuroblastoma.