项与 Autologous decidual-like NK cells(Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital) 相关的临床试验Clinical Study of Autologous Decidual-like Natural Killer Cells Therapy for Infertility or Adverse Pregnancy History Caused by Abnormal Uterine Natural Killer Cells
The aim of this study is preliminary exploration of the effectiveness and duration of autologous decidual-like NK cells therapy in improving uterine NK cells dysfunction.
Clinical study of autologous decidual-like NK cells in the treatment of recurrent abortion/repeated implantation failure
100 项与 Autologous decidual-like NK cells(Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Autologous decidual-like NK cells(Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Autologous decidual-like NK cells(Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Autologous decidual-like NK cells(Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital) 相关的药物交易