项与 iPS differentiated cardiomyocytes(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 相关的临床试验 / Not yet recruiting临床2/3期IIT Myocardial Cell Vein Transplantation for Chronic Heart Failure
Based on the safety evaluation of primates, the best cell transplantation scheme was integrated. One patient with CHF caused by coronary heart disease, one patient with CHF caused by dilatation and one patient with CHF caused by Keshan disease were selected and treated with autologous iPS differentiated cardiomyocyte intravenous transplantation. The safety evaluation of human body was completed and combined with subjective and objective indexes respectively. Structural and functional indicators were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect of cell transplantation. The results of animal experiments confirmed the safety and effectiveness of intravenous myocardial cell transplantation, and clarified its possible mechanism.
100 项与 iPS differentiated cardiomyocytes(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 iPS differentiated cardiomyocytes(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 iPS differentiated cardiomyocytes(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 iPS differentiated cardiomyocytes(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 相关的药物交易