CONTEXT:Current treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI) focuses on cord stabilization to prevent further injury, rehabilitation, management of non-motor symptoms, and prevention of complications. Currently, no approved treatments are available, and limited treatment options exist for symptoms and complications associated with chronic SCI. This review describes the pharmacotherapy landscape in SCI from both commercial and research and development (R&D) standpoints through March 2015.
METHODS:Information about specific compounds has been obtained through drug pipeline monographs in the Pharmaprojects® (Citeline, Inc., New York, New York, USA) drug database (current as of a search on May 30, 2014), websites of individual companies with compounds in development for SCI (current as of March 24, 2015), and a literature search of published R&D studies to validate the Pharmaprojects® source for selected compounds (current as of March 24, 2015).
RESULTS:Types of studies conducted and outcomes measured in earlier phases of development are described for compounds in clinical development Currently four primary mechanisms are under investigation and may yield promising therapeutic targets: 1) neuronal regeneration; 2) neuroprotection (including anti-inflammation); 3) axonal reconnection; and 4) neuromodulation and signal enhancement. Many other compounds are no longer under investigation for SCI are mentioned; however, in most cases, the reason for terminating their development is not clear.
CONCLUSION:There is urgent need to develop disease-modifying therapy for SCI, yet the commercial landscape remains small and highly fragmented with a paucity of novel late-stage compounds in R&D.