项与 HLA-A-0201 restricted URLC10 peptides(Shiga University) 相关的临床试验Phase I/II Study Using Epitope Peptide Restricted to HLA-A*24 (URLC10) in Patients With Disease Controlled Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
The investigators previously identified a novel HLA-A*0201-restricted epitope peptide, which was derived from a cancer-testis antigen, URLC10 as a target for vaccination against lung cancer. In this clinical study, the investigators examine using the peptides the safety, immunogenicity, and antitumor effect of vaccine treatment to prevent relapse of the disease for HLA-A*0201-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients whose disease are controlled after any standard therapies.
100 项与 HLA-A-0201 restricted URLC10 peptides(Shiga University) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 HLA-A-0201 restricted URLC10 peptides(Shiga University) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 HLA-A-0201 restricted URLC10 peptides(Shiga University) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 HLA-A-0201 restricted URLC10 peptides(Shiga University) 相关的药物交易