The treatment choice of advanced gastric carcinoma after failure from first-line therapy is quite limited. To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of S-1 monotherapy in patients with advanced gastric cancer after failure of first line cisplatin and fluorouracil combination (CF). S-1 monotherapy as a second line treatment was given to the patients who had failed to CF combination in SC-101 study. The efficacy and toxicity of S-1 monotherapy were evaluated exploratory. The results indicated that forty-one patients received S-1 as a second line therapy after disease progression. The overall response rate and disease control rate were 14.6% and 41.5%, respectively. The median progression free survival (PFS) was 5.1 months (ange: 2.9~6.2 month). The median overall survival time was 6.4 months. The survival rates at 6 month and 1 year were 56% and 7.3%, respectively. Grade 3/4 adverse events were uncommonly occurred, including anemia (2.4%), neutropenia (2.4%), thrombocytopenia (4.9%) and rash (2.4%). There were no unexpected or life-threatening toxicities. Only one patient experienced dose reduction due to grade 3 rash. In conclusion, S-1 monotherapy provided a mild response rate and overall survival, and a favorable toxicity profile in the second line setting after the first line failure to cisplatin and fluorouracil combination.