A Randomized Double-Blind Comparison of Sertraline With Early Alprazolam XR Co-Administration vs Sertraline/Placebo for Primary Care Panic Disorder Patients
The primary objective for the study is to test the hypothesis that sertraline plus alprazolam XR will result in superior early stabilization of primary care PD patients versus sertraline/placebo over a 12-week treatment period. The secondary objectives of the study are a) to assess withdrawal symptoms during alprazolam XR taper (weeks 5-7 of the 12-week trial) and after discontinuation, b) to compare physical health outcomes, medical services utilization, and cost-effectiveness of the two study interventions across the 12-week treatment period and subsequent three month maintenance treatment with sertraline alone, and c) to assess whether early co-administration of sertraline/ alprazolam XR will result in greater maintenance of treatment response than sertraline/placebo over the three months following the 12 week acute treatment program.
100 项与 阿普唑仑/盐酸舍曲林 相关的临床结果
100 项与 阿普唑仑/盐酸舍曲林 相关的转化医学
100 项与 阿普唑仑/盐酸舍曲林 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 阿普唑仑/盐酸舍曲林 相关的药物交易