In comparison to well-known drug-metabolizing organs such as the liver, the metabolic capacity of human skin is still not well elucidated despite the widespread use of topical drug application. To gain a comprehensive insight into anabolic steroid metabolism in the skin, six structurally related anabolic androgenic steroids, testosterone, metandienone, methyltestosterone, clostebol, dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, and methylclostebol, were applied to human keratinocytes and fibroblasts derived from the juvenile foreskin. Phase I metabolites obtained from incubation media were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The 5α-reductase activity was predominant in the metabolic pathways as supported by the detection of 5α-reduced metabolites after incubation of testosterone, methyltestosterone, clostebol, and methylclostebol. Additionally, the stereochemistry structures of fully reduced metabolites (4α,5α-isomers) of clostebol and methylclostebol were newly confirmed in this study by the help of inhouse synthesized reference materials. The results provide insights into the steroid metabolism in human skin cells with respect to the characteristics of the chemical structures.